• Resolved hebhansen


    Hey Lightboxers

    2 issues off the bat:

    1) I have a number of Envira Galleries that open in a lightbox. I really like how they display as thumbs. Turning off the Envira lightbox also turns off the Simple LB. Turning on the Envira LB activates also the Simple LB but underneath the Envira. Esc. turns off Envira and then I see the Simple LB. But that’s not really a cool solution… How can I activate Simple LB and skip the Envira LB but keep the Envira Thumbs?

    2) Is there a way to change border size fx to zero 0. And overlay title onto image?

    3) Can I get title font to follow theme fx heading 4 H4?

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  • Plugin Author Archetyped


    Hi, SLB works with links on the page. Without links, there is nothing for visitors to click on and launch the lightbox. Therefore, in Envira’s lightbox settings, you need to:

    1. Disable Envira’s built-in lightbox
    2. Enable links for the images in the gallery

    Example screenshot: Envira lightbox settings

    All visual aspects of the lightbox are controlled by SLB’s themes. See SLB’s Themes documentation for more details on creating/customizing lightbox themes.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Thx A

    Part 1 is done for all galleries and works nicely.

    The theming I’ll save for another day. Great lightboox

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