Slide Auto Scale Playing Up
Hi, I am using the free version of this plugin and am having an issue with the images when in full screen / enlarged. All of my images have exactly the same dimensions however when you view them after clicking the enlarge arrow some are smaller than the rest. I have it set to Slide Auto Scale Up – NO, as I don’t want them bigger than the original as they go blurry. Most scale perfectly but a few are small and not even scaling up to their original size. The site isn’t live so I can’t share the URL sorry but hoping someone may have a solution they know of already? Also is there a recommended size/dimensions for 16:9 images that will make them look good in normal view and when enlarged? I can only have them at 700px wide in normal view due to column size restrictions which does make them look a little blurry. Full size I have made them for the plugin is 1280 x 853 to help keep the compressed file size down, they look good at this size when you click the enlarge arrow, the ones that are showing in the correct size that is. Thanks ??
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