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  • Plugin Author kosinix


    Hello terrazzor,

    Sounds like you have javascript errors on your page that is stopping the slider. Kindly check if it has, here is a relevant link –

    I have a similar problem. The slider appears, but it’s not changing slides, and you can’t do it manually either.

    Here is my site:

    I get an this js error:

    [16:01:24.325] TypeError: jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def] is not a function @,wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js,wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/libs/jquery.easing.1.3.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/libs/cycle2/jquery.cycle2.min.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/libs/cycle2/jquery.cycle2.carousel.min.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/libs/cycle2/jquery.cycle2.swipe.min.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/libs/cycle2/jquery.cycle2.tile.min.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/templates/default/script.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/templates/standard/script.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/templates/thumbnails/script.js,wp-content/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/js/client.js&m=1379665787:53

    Any ideas?

    I’ve tried different browsers.

    I’m kind of new to the whole js-world so I really don’t know what to do..

    Plugin Author kosinix


    Try this:
    Go to Cyclone Slider > Settings and click Restore Defaults
    See if that fixes the issue.


    Same applies to me. I have already restored defaults, but it stopped changing images.

    It was working perfectly fine untill yesterday, when i placed the 6th slide.

    I tried to disable the latest uploaded plugins, but nothing changes.

    Javascript console only shows the following errors:

    TypeError: jQuery(…).mobileMenu is not a function
    TypeError: jQuery(…).superfish is not a function

    Nothing else.

    Any ideas?

    Many thanks.

    This slider seems to do exactly what I want. The only problem is it’s stuck on its first slide.

    Default settings -> no change
    Debugging in browser -> no errors (firebug)

    Any other ideas?

    Just like that, icuMedia. No more, no less. Same applies to me.

    I also tried to change theme for a while, but nothing happens either.

    I have replaced the slider with Skitter Slideshow untill this issue is solved ??

    Does Skittler have similar functionality? Ie widget and caption?

    Plugin Author kosinix


    Hello guys,

    @glenn9k – This has been fix in version 2.7.5. Latest version is now 2.7.6. Consider updating to the latest version.

    @metamorfose – it means that mobileMenu and superfish scripts arent included properly

    @icumedia – care to share a link?

    @kosinix the link is: here

    EDIT: I just found out that when I load the script in the header it DOES work… thanks anyway!

    I loaded the script in the index.php because my theme is no suitable to load the script in the header.

    Already updated the plugin, but it still does not work. I am going to use Skitter untill next updates.



    I have this same problem on a new client’s website. The slider HTML is in place but there’s no functionality. They were on 2.7.4 and I updated to 2.7.6, but there’s no change.

    I have jQuery 1.10.2 on the page but I see no cycle2 scripts. Should the plugin load those automatically if that’s what is used to power the functionality? I don’t have FTP access yet so I can’t tell if the scripts might have been moved or not put on the server.

    When I click on a thumb, it does not load it, the sliding just keeps on going and in the console it logs Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘cycle’, which I assume might be because the right script is not loaded at the time of calling this method.. or I don’t know. What can I do to fix it?

    Hi guys…
    I,m trying to desig my own theme and ′ve been having serious troubles an issues with this plugin and i don′t know what’s a matter. I′ve just instaled de app, define my widget areas and used it like a explanations but (god dam…) i can′t make that the slider works like supposed to be.

    I only get any numbers of images one over other, statics, freeze and plain…i got no move, no buttons, no effets, no nothing…Can anybody explain to me what i′m doing wrong please???!!!

    I haven′t page yet but i′m still working local server app (wamp), i nees some help really quicky…I′m just get in mad!!!

    Greatings from Venezuela…sorry for my poor english!!!

    Hi guys…
    I,m trying to desig my own theme and ′ve been having serious troubles an issues with this plugin and i don′t know what’s a matter. I′ve just instaled de app, define my widget areas and used it like a explanations but (god dam…) i can′t make that the slider works like supposed to be.

    I only get any numbers of images one over other, statics, freeze and plain…i got no move, no buttons, no effets, no nothing…Can anybody explain to me what i′m doing wrong please???!!!

    I haven′t page yet but i′m still working local server app (wamp), i nees some help really quicky…I′m just gettin’ mad!!!

    Greatings from Venezuela…sorry for my poor english!!!

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