• Hi,

    Overall really liking this plugin so far, but one problem. If I have a slider set up, and I copy/paste it, or duplicate it, or copy/paste or duplicate a set of blocks that contain the slider, the duplicated slider gets the same “unique” ID as the original, with problematic results.

    According to this support page from 18 months ago:


    That was supposedly fixed in version 5.1.2, but I’m using version 5.9.5, and I’m still seeing the same ID on duplicated sliders. I’m setting this up for a client and would like them to be able to use a slider inside a block pattern, but they can’t all have the same ID.

    Otherwise I’m finding it to be highly configurable and flexible, it’s really really useful that I can just add any blocks I want inside each slide. Thank you for your time.

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  • Plugin Contributor Gutenberg Slider


    Does this happen on old blocks only or also when you create a new post, add a new Gutenslider block, and duplicate that?

    Because for us its not possible to recreate the bug by the method above.

    After some experimenting, I found that if the slider is in a group, then the slider is exactly copied, including the same gutenslider block ID. If the slider is not grouped, then duplicating or copy/pasting will generate a new block ID for the new block. I’m not sure if this is intentional, but it seems like I should be able to duplicate a slider that is inside a group and have it create a new ID.

    I have a group of items that I’ll have to step and repeat multiple times and it’s tedious to ungroup them or create a new slider.

    It doesn’t have to be a group, but seems like if it’s nested inside any block, including columns.

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