Hello janieto2,
Sorry, for the inconvenience.
I recommend that you use our other plugin which has more powerful filter modules and features. Once you setup this plugin I will definitely help you fix any issues like you are facing now or others if any but I’m sure that this plugin is more convenient to use.
Download the latest beta release from this google drive link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pPPTVcQp8Bzl8V0ArxPud5rLfEJZcyKZ?usp=sharing and after installing select the Shortcode Filters and Shop/Cat Filters from the features options. Both the modules have all the features that are available on the Woocommerce Custom Filter Widget. Plus there are other additional features.
The sample data is not available for both above modules but if you want to play with sample data(which I recommend because then you will be able to understand all the features of both modules) then also select the Ring Build Feature from Jewelry inventory and Add Ring Builder Sample Data from the 3rd step and then from the admin panel on the respective filters module select the Alternate Widgets and hit save and it will add sample filters for the particular module for the particular alternate widget template and then you will be able to see how it looks like when configured in detail.
Note that the plugin shared in the above drive link is the beta version of the plugin Woo Bundle Choice plugin on the https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woo-bundle-choice/. The stable release on https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woo-bundle-choice/ doesn’t have the said filter modules so I recommend you try our beta release which is already being used by some of our users. This beta is supposed to be released around within a week.