The Tweak code we applied to the slider layout.php
file works with tabs:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var uris = jQuery('#slider-pro-3-<?php echo $post_id; ?>').sliderPro({
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Width == "100%") { ?>
width: "100%",
<?php } else if ($WRIS_L3_Width == "custom") { ?>
width: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Slider_Width != "") echo esc_js($WRIS_L3_Slider_Width);
else echo esc_js("1000"); ?>,
<?php } else if ($WRIS_L3_Width == "fullWidth") { ?>
forceSize: 'fullWidth',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Height == "custom") { ?>
height: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Slider_Height != "") echo esc_js($WRIS_L3_Slider_Height);
else echo esc_js("500"); ?>,
<?php } else { ?>
autoHeight: true,
<?php } ?>
//auto play
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Auto_Slideshow == 1) { ?>
autoplay: true,
autoplayOnHover: 'none',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Auto_Slideshow == 2) { ?>
autoplay: true,
autoplayOnHover: 'pause',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Auto_Slideshow == 3) { ?>
autoplay: false,
<?php } ?>
autoplayDelay: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Transition_Speed != "") echo esc_js($WRIS_L3_Transition_Speed);
else echo esc_js("5000"); ?>,
arrows: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Sliding_Arrow == 1) echo esc_js("true");
else echo esc_js("false"); ?>,
buttons: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Navigation_Button == 1) echo esc_js("true");
else echo esc_js("false"); ?>,
smallSize: 500,
mediumSize: 1000,
largeSize: 3000,
fade: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Transition == 1) echo esc_js("true");
else echo esc_js("false"); ?>,
thumbnailArrows: true,
thumbnailWidth: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Thumbnail_Width != "") echo esc_js($WRIS_L3_Thumbnail_Width);
else echo esc_js("120"); ?>,
thumbnailHeight: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Thumbnail_Height != "") echo esc_js($WRIS_L3_Thumbnail_Height);
else echo esc_js("100"); ?>,
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Navigation_Position == "top") { ?>
thumbnailsPosition: 'top',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Navigation_Position == "bottom") { ?>
thumbnailsPosition: 'bottom',
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Thumbnail_Style == "pointer") { ?>
thumbnailPointer: true,
<?php } ?>
centerImage: true,
imageScaleMode: '<?php echo $WRIS_L3_Slider_Scale_Mode; ?>',
allowScaleUp: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Slider_Auto_Scale == 1) echo esc_js("true");
else echo esc_js("false"); ?>,
<?php if ($WRIS_L3_Slide_Order == "shuffle") { ?>
shuffle: true,
<?php } ?>
startSlide: 0,
loop: true,
slideDistance: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Slide_Distance) echo esc_js($WRIS_L3_Slide_Distance);
else echo esc_js("5"); ?>,
autoplayDirection: 'normal',
touchSwipe: true,
fullScreen: <?php if ($WRIS_L3_Fullscreeen == 1) echo esc_js("true");
else echo esc_js("false"); ?>,
// tweak to resize when tab clicked
jQuery('#pizza-item').click(function() {
Thanks to @maxshepley for all cooperation to resolve this issue.