Slideshow not found
I’m editing a page in WordPress. I choose to add an element, that being a MetaSlider. I click on that, and that brings up MetaSlider dialog wherein I can –Select a Slideshow–. When I drop down the list, there’s one choice that says “New Slideshow (#287)”. Making that choice appears to work, and it puts a slideshow on the page.
If I navigate to MetaSlider-Home on the WordPress Menu, I see a single slideshow there. It’s called “Dogs”, and its short code shows as [metaslider id=”303″]. So, the issue is that when I add a slideshow to a page, the only one I can add appears to be one that’s no longer listed in the MetaSlider plugin. When I go to MetaSlider home, I can’t find the slideshow that I can successfully load into a page.
The slideshow I can add (the one that says #287) is one that I had created a bit earlier, and then deleted. Well, it seemed like it was deleted, but perhaps not actually.
Something is out of sync here, and I don’t know how to fix it. It did not help to deactivate/remove MetaSlider, and then reinstall/activate it. After doing that, it was just like before, even down to the very same slide show ids appearing as described above.
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