• Hi! I upgraded to wordpress 3.5 and Custom Community 1.10 but the slideshow doesn’t work anymore (I didn’t have any problem before the upgrades). I don’t know what to do, please could you explain to me? thank you!!

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  • bonjour, j’ai le même problème depuis la mise de la version du thème et de wordpess en 3.5 le diapo ne fonctionne plus?

    Same problem !! Help

    aha same problem here too!! my site is https://www.weclean.co.za the header scrolled before but not any longer..

    Same problem! Need help SOON please

    I’m sorry you’re having problems — the best way to start troubleshooting your sites is by using the steps in this thread:


    The, per the forum guidelines, please start your own threads and provide the information suggested – i.e. what theme you are using, what steps you’ve taken already, etc. This will help people help you more effectively.

    Thank you WPyogi. I read the linked page – but for me as an amateur non-coder the solutions are too difficult.

    To all other: I “solved” the problem by downgrading to WP 3.4.1.

    You can download the zipped files for the old version and then use an FTP-program to do like here described:

    So my conclusion is to wait with the new version until my theme is upgraded.

    when will be the next upgrade for the theme because my website gives me errors and i can’t upgrade for the new wordpress because of these things, i am waiting for the theme upgrade but i don’t know when it is to be released?

    when will be the next upgrade for the theme

    @mariaarty – you’ll have to ask the theme developers:


    However, if the problem is due to a plugin issue, a theme upgrade will not fix it. That’s why it’s suggested that you go through the troubleshooting steps in the post I linked to — to narrow down where the problem is.

    In my case it’s no plugin, disabled them all and the slideshow still doesn’t scroll. It’s that way since the 3.5 upgrade.
    There’s also a new issue with the site title text no longer linking to the home page, returns a 404. But I’ll save that for another thread.

    Don’t know why this works but it fixed the Custom Community theme problem with the slider not working once wp is upgraded to 3.5 I was looking for a slider plugin and loaded LenSlider plugin. After setting up a test page to try it on I notice that that CC slider was now working. I disabled Lenslider and the cc slideshow stopped working. I made a page again for lenslider complete with images and slides, and then used pagemash to ‘hide’ the page. If I delete the page, cc slideshow stops working. So I have kept a hidden page with a Lenslide slideshow and all is well. Hope this helps someone.

    Tvoelker’s suggestion worked for me PERFECTLY. Props. Good temporary solution until an update of some sort comes about.

    i down graded to wordpress 3.4.2, everything works fine with me now
    hope they fix that error soon

    Hi @all,

    you can download the newest version from GitHub, and also slider is working again..

    Download CC @github:

    Sorry to keep you waiting so long!
    ..we just fixed another bunch of bugs the last couple of days and the new free version is on the way -> just 2bugs left to be fixed.

    See the issue’s list here @github:

    Write us, share your ideas and critics and help making CC better
    What do you like most and what would you like to see improved?
    You can write us, submit support tickets, report bugs @github, ….

    Documentation, Free Tech Support and Premium Support here:

    ** Help us translate CC or x2 Theme and get a Pro Version for free. **

    Thanks @all – we hope you have fun creating your site with WordPress and CC ??

    Installed LenSlider plugin like tvoelker, and got the Custom Community banner to start changing the images again (but still no caption).

    Please a tip for having different slider per page?

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