Slow form submission when CF7 google sheet connector enabled
We use the free version of the plugin on multiple websites and have noticed that the submission time of the cf7 forms was consistently and severely slowed down when the Google sheet connector is enabled.This is a problem from a user experience point of view, and it increases the number of duplicate form submissions, as visitors tend to click several times, thinking nothing happens.
– WordPress 4.9.9
– CF7 v 5.0.4 or 5.1.1 (both tested)
– CF7 google sheet connector 2.5 or 2.8 (both tested)Forms take approximately 1 second to submit when the CF7 google sheet connector is disabled.
When enabled, submissions take between 7 and 10 seconds.No error in the logs of the plugins or the wordpress logs.
The call taking up to 10 seconds to submit the form is the call to /wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/1491/feedback.
I am posting in this extension forum as we can clearly identify a link between the speed of the submission and the activation of the plugin.
Is this a known issue? is there any fix we can apply?
Other things we tried, without success:
* Updating CF7 google sheet connector and CF7 to latest version (2.8 and 5.1.1) –> no difference
* Switching from re-captcha v2 to re-captcha v3 –> no difference
* Disabling other cf7 related plugins (contact form db) –> no difference
* Increasing server limit memory from 256M to 4000M –> no difference
* Refreshing the Google access key –> No differenceMany thanks,
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