• Resolved TamerDesigns


    This plugin makes my site load EXTREMELY slow when used with Buddypress

    18 seconds on initial load – then 1s additional for the remaining styles/plugins/etc. (used network tab in chrome dev)

    Goes away immediately after disabling the plugin – 2-3s load times. I’ve tried disabling all styles, javascript, text editor, etc. within USP – nothing changes the load time.

    Any ideas here? Working with multisite and SSL functionality on a complex buddypress site.

    Everything works 100% though – great plugin just need to fix the speed issue. Something’s snagging and the console isn’t telling me anything.


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  • Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    The plugin does not support Multisite.. most likely there is an issue with looking up options and whatnot using regular WP tags (just guessing). No performance issue on regular WP.

    Thread Starter TamerDesigns


    so weird – I started deleting files in the backend to see if I could isolate if it was a particular file causing the issue. Needless to say it ended up not working – but when I refreshed the page a final time (after restoring everything) – it now works fine and loads fast

    Odd eh?

    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    Yeh, so you are saying that it works on Multisite?

    Thread Starter TamerDesigns


    Oh yeah it sure does!

    I also found the snippet causing the hangup – when I comment this out – it works

    in corefunctions.php

    function usp_auto_display_images

    Thread Starter TamerDesigns


    Can i leave that commented out? I don’t need auto display images

    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    That’s awesome, I’ll have to retest with Multisite and maybe reclassify it as compatible.

    For the auto-display images, that function should fire only when the option, “Images Auto-Display” is enabled in the plugin settings. So optimally you would just set that option to “Do not auto-display submitted images” (i.e., disable) and done. In general it’s not a good idea to modify core files of plugins, themes, or WP itself.

    Thread Starter TamerDesigns


    True that – and it is unchecked – but for some reason works well when I comment it out. May want to take a peek at it if you’ve got free time.

    Appreciate the support – solid plugin.

    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    Thanks, will definitely investigate next update – on the todo list.

    If you have time to rate the plugin, I would appreciate it.

    Thanks again for the feedback, will help to improve the plugin.

    Thread Starter TamerDesigns


    Yep – will do – bought your pro version too

    By chance do you know where that code exists in the pro version files? I know you can’t support if I modify but same issues with the pro version – need to find that snippet :p

    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    Thanks, I appreciate it.

    For help with Pro, please contact me directly via Plugin Planet:


    (scroll to footer for contact form)

    The reason is that the forums here at www.ads-software.com are for free plugins only.

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