• Question: What are common causes of delayed processing when using WordPress with an off-line test server?

    I recently set up WordPress on my iMac test server. Although the default WordPress webpage appears, it takes what seems like forever.

    Apache: 2.4.16
    PHP: 5.5.27
    MySQL: 5.6.26

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  • Depending on your theme, you may have certain links to hosted versions of jQuery and/or Google Fonts, even though your installation is on your computer, outbound links to hosted versions still require the internet. This may cause a delay in load time. For local development try as much as you can to use local files. This will help load time a lot!



    Go to phpMyAdmin (or use the mysql command line) and make sure your database user has access to host in addition to localhost. Then go to wp-config.php and change DB_HOST to (it’s no doubt localhost right now). Now try loading WordPress. Are your page load times any better?

    I suggest you do a Google search on:

    wp local slow response

    and then go through all the hits

    I had really slow response – 21 seconds to access any of the WP pages.

    I started reading the pages found by Google and tried a few of the suggestions.

    The one that finally did the trick for me was to comment out two lines in the windows hosts file (I don’t know if such a file existed on a Mac)

    The hosts file looked like this after I set up a WAMP package and created virtual hosts. localhost -my domain name virtualtest

    ::1 localhost
    ::1 -my domain name –

    -my domain name – represents the name of my domain, it is not the actual entry in my hosts file.

    I commented out (put # characters in front of) the two lines starting with ::1

    #::1 localhost
    #::1 -my domain name –

    I saved the hosts file and tried accessing my local host and it responded in less than 1 second.

    I’m not saying this is the fix for you problem but it is worth doing some Google searches and reading the hits.

    Relying on someone on a WP forum to give you the answer to a problem like this is unrealistic – particularly since it is not a WP problem but a local host configuration problem.

    You must always search and search and search again when you have a problem.

    Good luck.

    If you find a fix, come back to this post and post a reply to tell us what you changed to make it work. That way someone searching for solutions might find this post and know what you did to fix it – it might not apply to everyone but it might help someone.

    Too often someone will ask a question and then later post “I fixed it” without saying how they fixed it. That is very frustrating.


    Me again –

    I forgot to give you a link to the page I found which had the solution for me.

    May not help you, but I wanted to include it here for others.


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