Hi @cybercr33p
Thanks for your reply. We have checked that the ORDER_BY is not post_date from our side.
Please check this https://dpaste.com/EW75YLMYP
While we were checking the Woocommerce & Whols plugins were only activated other plugins were disabled.
The default ORDER_BY value is the menu_order which is displaying correctly from our side.
There might be 3rd party plugins OR your custom coding may affected your query. We will recommend you to check after deactivating other plugin except “Woocommerce & Whols” and also use a Default theme.
Anyway, if you don’t want to do the above. You can use the snippet below to change the order by “ID” manually.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby', 'hasthemes_change_orderby', 9999 );
function hasthemes_change_orderby( $sort_by ) {
return 'id';
If you have any questions, please let us know.