• Hello, since I used this newsblogger theme, I have problems with the pages not opening and freezing.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Akhilesh


    Hi [Client’s Name],

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We have checked your website, and everything seems to be working fine on our end. Could you kindly provide more details about the issue you’re experiencing? Specifically, on which page are you encountering the problem?

    Looking forward to your response.

    Best regards,
    Newscrunch Support Team

    Sorry i have to use existing thread, i can’t create new apparently. But im using this theme on 2 pages. On chrome linux, edge windows. Visitors can’t scroll down it just keep pushing back up to start. On safari it works fine.



    Hi @aboutwebdk,

    Thank you for reporting the issue.

    Please follow these steps to resolve it:

    1. Navigate to the custom.js file located in your theme folder at: assets > js folder.
    2. Open the file and locate the following lines on lines 73 and 77:
    Lien no:73      jQuery('body').addClass('ad-sticky');
    Lien no:74 jQuery('body').removeClass('ad-sticky');

    3. Remove both of these lines of code.

    For reference, you can view the screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/sO39Oh1Zf9XI.

    Once you’ve made the changes, please let us know if the issue is resolved.

    So that we can fix this issue in the next update.

    Best regards,
    Newscrunch Support Team

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 3 hours ago by Akhilesh.

    Hi Akhilesh

    Thanks for the reply. We are using the newsblogger theme from you. And from what i can see the custom.js only contains this


    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(".newsblogger #spnc-missedcarousel").owlCarousel({
        navigation: true, // Show next and prev buttons        
        autoplay: true,
        autoplayTimeout: 1500,
        autoplayHoverPause: true,
        smartSpeed: 1300,
        //loop: false, // loop is true up to 1199px screen.
        loop: newscrunch_missed_settings.loop,
        nav: true, // is true across all sizes
        margin: 50, // margin 10px till 960 breakpoint
        autoHeight: true,
        responsiveClass: true, // Optional helper class. Add 'owl-reponsive-' + 'breakpoint' class to main element.
        //items: 3,
        dots: false,
        navText: ["<i class='fa-solid fa-angle-left'></i>", "<i class='fa-solid fa-angle-right'></i>"],
        responsive: {
            200: { items: 1 },
            480: { items: 1 },
            768: { items: 3 },
            1000: { items: 4 }




    Hi @aboutwebdk,

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Please note that the custom.js file can be found in the parent theme directory of Newscrunch, located in:

    newscrunch > assets > js folder.

    Once you find the file, please proceed with the steps as outlined in my previous message. Let us know if the issue is resolved after making the changes.

    Thanks again for your cooperation!

    Best regards,
    Newscrunch Support Team



    Hi @aboutwebdk,

    I just wanted to check in—did the solution provided earlier work for you? Were you able to resolve the issue after making the changes to the custom.js file?

    Please let us know if everything is working fine or if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,
    Newscrunch Support Team

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 2 hours ago by Akhilesh.



    • This reply was modified 1 day, 2 hours ago by Akhilesh.

    Yes removing that worked perfectly, thank you ??

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