Slow submit: TTFB 7-30+s for /wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/*/feedback
TLTR: if Clean Talk is active, Contact Form 7 submission response time increase from couple seconds to 10+ seconds and sometimes event timeouts after 30 seconds.
—Last weeks I see repeated submisions of contact forms. I performed some tests in development environment and found.
I tried to submit an empty form. The response was 10-30 seconds.
I disabled plugins W3 Total Cache and iThemes Security, but the response was still 10-30s.
I checked in WebDeveloper tools, that it was caused by waiting for the first byte of the response (TTFB) when calling /wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/…../feedback.
When I deactivated Anti-Spam by CleanTalk and the TTFB reduced to 300-400ms.
When I reactivated Anti-Spam by CleanTalk, the TTFB was again 7-30 seconds or HTTP header 503 (Service unavailable).
I tried multiple combinations of turning on/off W3 Total Cache, iThemes Security and Anti-Spam by CleanTalk: The only relevant factor is, whether Anti-Spam by CleanTalk is active.
Please, will you improve the speed of your services?Used versions:
* WordPress 5.6
* Theme: Avada v7.2.1
* Contact Form 7: Version 5.3.2
* Anti-Spam by CleanTalk: Version 5.151.2* W3 Total Cache: Version 2.0.1
* iThemes Security: Version 7.9.0
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