Hi @justin77,?thank you for reaching out.
Usually with regards to site speed, some Wordfence customers can experience problems at times when intensive processes such as scans are running although shared hosting plans, size of website content, and number of installed plugins tend to be the deciding factors in this as the majority of our ~5m site installations work without issue.
We do constantly work on making the plugin faster, perform better, and use less resources but there are not set amounts of RAM, CPU or database queries that we know Wordfence will definitely require in each use-case.
For a screenshot of my recommended Performance setting options – Click Here.
Aside from this, I notice your max_execution_time value is 300, which has been found to be detrimental to scan speed. We have seen issues arise when this number is above 60, so I would suggest altering this before going further.
Your WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is 40M and could be set to 128M or 256M in wp-config.php. WooCommerce, for example, recommends 64M minimum, so if you also have many hits on the site at once especially during a Wordfence scan, a lower limit here could be reached fairly easily. Your PHP memory_limit value could also be adjusted to 128M or 256M to accommodate this change.
I hope this helps you out!