Slow when adding/editing page
Whenever this plugin gets activated, adding/editing a page takes time to the point where Chrome displays kill the unresponsive page. What I do is just wait for another few seconds until WP allows me to edit the page.
Has anyone experience this issue?
Thanks for your feedback.
When adding or editing a sidebar, does the page become unresponsive as well? Does Chrome tell exactly what file is causing the problem?
The css and js for Content Aware Sidebars is currently being included on editor pages for every post type, and this will be changed in a future release.
Thanks for your reply. It’s rather annoying if you’re trying to add/edit Pages in bulk. Adding/editing Posts seems unaffected though.
I can’t remember Chrome listing out errors other than the popup that says the page has become unresponsive and offers to “kill” or “wait.” It seems like it’s “reading” or “loading” something which takes a while to complete. IDK.
I’m using a lot of plugins (like 20) but this shouldn’t be a problem because I’m using a similar plugin — Custom Sidebars with less functionality and never had this problem. By the way, it takes at least 30 seconds of waiting when this plugin gets activated.
So when you click on “Edit” for a page in the Pages list, the load time for the page editor has increased to the point where it becomes unresponsive? What about when adding a new page?
To find out if the problem is caused by js or server-side, can you please do the following, it will be very helpful:
1. Go to the page editor and press F12. This will open a dev tool in Chrome.
2. With this tool open, press CTRL + F5 (hard refresh) and go to Network tab. Can you tell me the name of the file(s) that take most time to load?
3. Still with the tool open, go to Console tab. Are there any messages there?You are right that the number of plugins is not a problem itself, but two or more plugins can sometimes “collide” such that things break. There should not be any compatibility problems with Custom Sidebars though.
Sorry for the late reply but I think this plugin has an issue with Role Scoper.
I deactivated all of my plugins except Content Aware Sidebars and it’s blazingly fast. Whenever Role Scoper is activated, it slows down considerably.
Can you test this at your end?
P.S. I tried your suggestion above and I can’t seem to export a list of supposedly “slow” loading css/js or etc.
So is Role Scoper slow in general, or only when it is activated along with Content Aware Sidebars?
I am not sure if you can export that data from Chrome (I use Firefox), but a wider bar indicates longer load/processing time. So what I suggested was that you could look through the list in the Network tab (it might be long) and find a couple of paths with wide bars.
I’ve been using Role Scoper since day 1 and it hasn’t brought me any problems yet. I just thought of deactivating all my plugins except Content Aware Sidebars to see where the problem lies.
And when both plugins are activated at the same time (Role Scoper + Content Aware Sidebar) this is where the slowness in adding/editing pages starts.
As mentioned, I’m using more than 20+ plugins with Role Scoper and there’s no noticeable issues, so I thought this has something to do with CAS not being comfortable with Role Scoper and not the other way around.
Thanks, I will look into this issue asap and get back to you.
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your issue.
To rule out that it has something to do with JS, can you open content-aware-sidebars.php, go to line 933 and switch the function with:
/** * Load scripts and styles for administration * @param string $hook * @return void */ public function load_admin_scripts($hook) { $current_screen = get_current_screen(); wp_register_script('cas_admin_script', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . $this->basename . '/js/cas_admin.js', array('jquery'), '1.2', true); wp_register_style('cas_admin_style', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . $this->basename . '/css/style.css', array(), '1.2'); if ($current_screen->base == 'post' && $current_screen->post_type == self::TYPE_SIDEBAR) { // WordPress < 3.3 does not have jQuery UI accordion and autocomplete if (get_bloginfo('version') < 3.3) { wp_register_script('cas-jquery-ui-autocomplete', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . $this->basename . '/js/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js', array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-position'), '1.8.9', true); wp_register_script('cas-jquery-ui-accordion', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . $this->basename . '/js/jquery.ui.accordion.js', array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget'), '1.8.9', true); wp_enqueue_script('cas-jquery-ui-autocomplete'); wp_enqueue_script('cas-jquery-ui-accordion'); } else { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-accordion'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-autocomplete'); } wp_enqueue_script('cas_admin_script'); wp_enqueue_style('cas_admin_style'); } else if ($hook == 'edit.php' && $current_screen->post_type == self::TYPE_SIDEBAR) { wp_enqueue_style('cas_admin_style'); } }
Hi All,
I just add my comment here because I have a similar issue.
When I try to edit or add a post Chrome crashes as the page becomes unresponsive and it asks to kill the page.
It only happens in Chrome, while in IE 10 works fine.
Since the website I’m working on has more then 1500 users, the plugin tries to load a list of all usernames at the end of the page for each post causing a long delay and the unresponsiveness.
In fact if I deactivate the plugin, the page starts working again.
I tried to check the the option “Assume No Front-end Admin” which is suppose to suppress this list, it worked for a while but now again it doesn’t. Even if the list is not displayed, it is anyway loaded and then made invisible probably by jquery(because I can see the list before disappearing). I guess it has also something to do with Chrome cache, when it’s too full the plugin doesn’t work, when I clean it, the plugin sometimes works and sometimes not.
Can you please advise on this?
ThanksSorry another thing that I forgot to mention: it only does this if you are logged in as ADMIN, if you are an editor it does not. If you are an editor the list with all usernames is not loaded at all.
Does this problem occur only when Content Aware Sidebars is activated? When Chrome becomes unresponsive, does it mention a filename/script that causes the problem?
Sorry I just realized that I am off topic. My issue is related to Role Scoper plugin.
While I want to help you, I think you would get much better support from the developers behind Role Scoper, and unfortunately, my support in here is limited to my own plugins only.
Thank you for this anyway. I realized later that I was on the wrong page, even if the issue looked really like the one I have, but with this Role scoper plugin.
Thanks again!
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