Hey @alekmitch,
Thank you for the additional details.
I’ve done some testing with this tool and while I can replicate execution times of above 0.5 on the Pro version, the Lite version is significantly lower on my end as shown in this screenshot. It also looks like the higher load times for the Pro and Lite version is attributed to the inclusion of Composer in the plugin which seems to affect the execution time. This disclaimer is also mentioned in the FAQ for the Code Profiler plugin:
Why does Code Profiler warn me that I have multiple plugins using Composer?
Composer, a tool for dependency management in PHP, is included in many popular plugins and themes. It is used to autoload PHP classes.
Code Profiler will inform you if two or more activated plugins use it because you will need to take it into consideration when reading and interpreting the results. Let’s take an example:
Assuming you have four plugins, #1, #2, #3 and #4. Both plugins #1 and #4 include and require Composer. WordPress will start and load plugin #1, which will run an instance of Composer to load its classes. Immediately after, WordPress will load plugins #2 and #3. Then, it will load plugin #4, which too will need to load its classes. However, plugin #4 will not start a new instance of Composer but, instead, will rely on the one from plugin #1 to load its own classes.
As a result, the execution time of plugin #1 will increase (its instance of Composer is used to load classes for plugin #4 too), while the execution time of plugin #4 will decrease (it doesn’t need to start a new instance of Composer). Therefore, if you have a dozen or more plugins using Composer, it is important to take into consideration that the execution time of plugin #1 may be much higher than other plugins.
I hope this helps to clarify.