@nextgaything thanks for the feedback here! Looks like the initial request to Braintree to load the hosted fields via js is taking ~350ms, then the fingerprint as the final request takes ~200ms, both of which are external calls. I’m afraid there’s nothing the plugin can do to optimize this; it depends on your connection and the Braintree API’s response to load the hosted fields.
However, it does not block anything upon pageload as it’s done asynchronously, so this won’t delay loading the checkout page, and typically completes loading by the time the customer would be scrolling, so it shouldn’t block anything with the checkout page itself at all.
The only blocker here to checkout loading might be a server-side request if the customer logs in, as saved tokens (payment methods) may need to be checked / fetched. However, this again depends on your server environment, as this external request is a necessity to determine how to display the payment form. I don’t see anything else in that waterfall that indicates slowness from loading on-site resources.
thanks! -Beka