The level of aggressiveness in your review seems quite excessive. Since you’re the first person complaining about slow website:
Just like ACF, this plugin doesn’t enqueue any CSS/JS files on front-end. It only does when using ACF Form or ACFE Form features, by adding an extra +47kb CSS / +50kb JS on front-end forms. That resource usage is not excessive, and if it does, it means you have other problems to deal with on your server.
If you had opened a ticket support I would have been able to give some advices, like I always do with regular users. But instead you decided to create a review and I don’t know why, borderline attack me personally. Not understanding a technical question is not an excuse to be rude.
Regarding the bugs, a quick look at support threads shows that 99% of questions are from users that need help to implement custom stuff. So I’m not really sure to understand what you mean with “a lot of bugs”. Do you have any to report?
Your behavior is clearly incompatible with the philosophy I try to promote within the ACF community, so I’ll happy if you just uninstall ACF Extended and move along.
I wish you the best of luck in your WP development journey.