• Plugin Author Lance Cleveland


    I am testing Store Locator Plus version 3.9 plus a new version of Store Pages that is a separate add-on install as of the 3.9 release.

    If you are a licensed Store Pages user DO NOT INSTALL 3.9 without reading this first.

    I don’t know how many ways to get the word out in advance. There is a notice in the readme file. Notices in several places on the CSA website. Notices in the SLP newsletters that go out monthly. Notices on the daily updates on Facebook and my blog that have gone out daily.

    Store Pages is a significant change from prior versions. It is no longer a LICENSE KEY REQUIRED add-on. When you upgrade to Store Locator Plus 3.9, Store Pages will go away.

    If you have a paid/active license for Store Pages you must create an account with an order at https://www.charlestonsw.com/. If you have an existing order, that works. If not you need to buy the FREE version of the base Store Locator Plus product so you will have an order # I can review. You will then need to contact me at https://www.charlestonsw.com/mindset/contact-us/, give me your Store Pages license # (look on your SLP General Settings Page) and your order # so I can attach the new Store Pages download to your account.

    The upgrade to Store Pages 3.9 is free for licensed users but you need to follow the steps above.

    For all other Store Locator Plus users, the new version does not have a lot of new features but there are a dozen bug fixes. It also has a much smaller memory footprint and should run slightly faster on sites with a large number of locations.

    Testing is underway and SLP 3.9 should be out soon. Hopefully this week.


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  • Plugin Author Lance Cleveland


    NOTE for Store Pages Purchased from the CSA Website (not via the PayPal link in the Store Locator Plus admin page.

    If you already have an order at CSA with Store Pages on the order you do NOT need to contact me.

    You can simply login to your account at https://www.charlestonsw.com and download the latest release. It should provide you with a new download named slp-pages.zip.

    If you get store-locator-le.zip please refresh your browser cache and re-check your “My Account” page for the new slp-pages.zip file.



    Well, I’m afraid I installed 3.9 without reading this information first. I’ve placed an order for the free StoreLocator Plus, as instructed, and the order number is 7744. However, I cannot find my license number on the general settings page. I certainly hope you can still link my store pages to my website (wgrl.net) — I have 17 locations and it took me hours to create all the store pages.

    Please advise,

    Martha Goodson

    Plugin Author Lance Cleveland


    Martha – you need to provide your Store Pages license key, your original email address used to make the purchase with PayPal, or your PayPal reference number. I cannot locate your Store Pages license without at least one of those things.

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