That won’t work because the function returns a complete set of HTML and all you want is a URL path to the image source file itself.
After having a quick look at the plugin code it appears that you’ll have to get someone to modify the plugin for you so that it has a function to return just the image source.
Something like this:
function userphoto__get_userphoto_url($user_id, $photoSize, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src){
global $userphoto_prevent_override_avatar;
//Note: when we move to a global default user photo, we can always enter into the following conditional
if($user_id && ($userdata = get_userdata($user_id))){
if(($userdata->userphoto_approvalstatus == USERPHOTO_APPROVED) &&
$image_file = ($photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? $userdata->userphoto_image_file : $userdata->userphoto_thumb_file))
$width = $photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? $userdata->userphoto_image_width : $userdata->userphoto_thumb_width;
$height = $photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? $userdata->userphoto_image_height : $userdata->userphoto_thumb_height;
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
return "Error: " . $upload_dir['error'];
$src = trailingslashit($upload_dir['baseurl']) . 'userphoto/' . $image_file;
else if($default_src){
$src = $default_src;
$width = $height = 0;
else if(get_option('userphoto_use_avatar_fallback') && !$userphoto_prevent_override_avatar){
$width = $height = get_option($photoSize == USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE ? 'userphoto_maximum_dimension' : 'userphoto_thumb_dimension');
global $userphoto_using_avatar_fallback;
$userphoto_using_avatar_fallback = true;
$img = get_avatar($user_id, $width);
$userphoto_using_avatar_fallback = false;
if(!preg_match('{src=([\'"])(.+?)\1}', $img, $matches))
$src = str_replace('&', '&', $matches[2]);
if(preg_match('{class=([\'"])(.+?)\1}', $img, $matches))
$attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $matches[2];
else return '';
return $src;
function userphoto_the_author_photo_url($before = '', $after = '', $attributes = array(), $default_src = ''){
global $authordata, $curauthor;
if(!empty($authordata) && $authordata->ID)
echo userphoto__get_userphoto_url($authordata->ID, USERPHOTO_FULL_SIZE, $before, $after, $attributes, $default_src);
Then use userphoto_the_author_photo_url() instead of userphoto_the_author_photo()
I’m not 100% sure that code will work but that’s basically what needs to be added to the plugin. I didn’t test it though.