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  • Plugin Author MagicStick


    Ah! Nice one. I’ll do that in a future release. But will also add an option to ‘inherit source post status’ on the settings page too. Thanks for the good idea.

    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Hi Tiduspt. I was actually having a poke about my code tonight and released I already did a filter you can use for this. It actually holds a lot of information for you to do pretty much anything with.

    Tag: “mpd_setup_destination_data”
    $arg1 : Is an array which holds the main information for the destination post:


    $arg2: The is the original data which is passed into the core function for from the source post for duplication:


    Usage Example:

    add_filter('mpd_setup_destination_data', 'my_hooked_in_function', 10, 2);
    function my_hooked_in_function($arg1, $arg2){
    	$current_status = get_post_status( $arg2['source_id'] );
    	$arg1['post_status'] = $current_status;
    	return $arg1;

    See inc/core.php, function ‘mpd_duplicate_over_multisite’ for all the detail.

    Thread Starter Tiduspt


    That unfortunately wont do what I need, that will filter the data after input. I need to filter data when displaying available status to users.

    So instead of having as possible duplicated post status:

    – Draft
    – Pending
    – Private
    – Public

    I want to have as only options:

    – Draft
    – Pending

    I need something like this on /inc/postform_ui.php

    function mpd_publish_top_right(){
        $post_statuses  = get_post_statuses();
        $sites          = mpd_wp_get_sites()
        $post_statuses = apply_filters( 'mpd_filter_display_poststatuses', $post_statuses );

    Please let me know the slug you will use for your filter so that I can implement it right away while having no problems when updating.


    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I’ll get that added and push a wee update out asap.

    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Hi Tiduspt. I’ve just pushed out an update v0.7.4 just for you! :-). I now run all get_post_status() functions through the filter ‘mpd_available_post_statuses’. This will give you the access/control you need. Please note that this filter isn’t specific to the post/page metabox as I felt it appropriate to offer the filter wherever other users may require too; so you might want to wrap your hook in some current_screen logic to control where you want the filter to run.

    Like so:

    add_filter( 'mpd_available_post_statuses', 'filter_the_statuses');
    function filter_the_statuses($available_statuses){
       $currentScreen = get_current_screen();
       if($currentScreen->post_type === 'page'){
      return $available_statuses;
    Thread Starter Tiduspt


    Thank you so much for such a good support!

    It suits me perfectly!

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