• Resolved vadim-v


    Smart Google Code Settings
    – AdWords Conversion Code Settings
    — Please Select Page

    1. Please add the displayed links page.
    I have three pages in three languages
    But the Title the same for all three pages (Title: About).
    To be able to distinguish the page, you need to show off their links

    /about-eng/ (Title: About)
    /about-it/ (Title: About)
    /about-ru/ (Title: About)

    2. Please add the possibility that the post were also on the list.
    In the post, too, sometimes you need to install the code.

    3. When you edit a page in the admin panel, you can display the code?
    That code can be edited in the settings, plug-in, and when you edit the page.


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  • Plugin Author oturia


    Adding links instead of page names will make it less user friendly for the sake of making it easier for someone who has multiple pages with the same name.

    A vast majority of our users are using only one version of each page.

    Also, by definition, you’re example does not work. If you were running About in Italian and Russian, then your page name should be written in that language, not English.

    2. We won’t be able to add posts to the list either. Again, this would cause a huge problem for most of our users, as they might have dozens or hundreds of posts and that would make scrolling down through the list to find what you’re looking for very cumbersome.

    3. When you edit a page, you are on the back end of WordPress, you won’t see code to be inserted on the front end of the site.

    Important Note:

    None of what you’ve asked for here are support items, they’re customizations that you desire to be made to the plugin to fit what you’re looking for. I would recommend providing a downloaded copy of the plugin to a developer (through sites such as eLance) and ask them to make your desired modifications.

    I don’t maintain any intellectual rights over the plugin itself, feel free to have it customized in any way you’d like!

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