Smush messing up with img src
On my webpage I am currently using a new element which includes some images. When I am logged into my admin account, I am able to see the images without a problem. But when a colleague logs into his account and trys to see the images, or when I am using an icognito tab, the images just won’t load.
After inspecting the page with F12, while I was logged into my account, the normal image source works just fine. But for everyone else, the Image source looks like this:img src=””
When I disable Smush completely, the images just load without any problems. Also I saw that error multiple times here regarding lazy loading with Smush, but the fixes wouldn’t work because of the updates which came in between.
Something which might has to do with the issue aswell is that the images don’t have any classes or IDs at all, but I am not able to change that due to the images being part of an element from a plugin which I am using and cannot consider changing it.
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