• This isn’t a support request really, but this plugin could be optimally responsive with a bit more testing. Here’s a start that I did for a project:

    * {
      -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
      -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
      box-sizing: border-box;
    [class*="ytc-columns"] li {padding-right:5%;}
    ul.ytchagallery.ytc-td-top div.ytcthumb-cont, ul.ytchagallery.ytccf li a.ytcthumb, ul.ytchagallery.ytccf li a.ytcthumb .ytcplay {max-width: 100%;}
    ul.ytchagallery.ytc-td-top div.ytcthumb-cont, ul.ytchagallery.ytccf li a.ytcthumb {width:100%;}
    ul.ytchagallery.ytccf li a.ytcthumb .ytcplay {min-width:100%;}
    ul.ytchagallery.ytccf li a.ytcthumb {border:none !important;background-size:cover;}

    Mostly this makes the columns of thumbnails scale nicely. The main video in the shortcode needs to be set to the biggest size needed responsively, and YouTube takes care of the sizing. Eg:

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery user="BlackBerry" videowidth="650" ratio="16x9" theme="light" color="white" autoplay="0" rel="0" showinfo="0" maxitems="16" thumbwidth="133" thumbratio="16x9" thumbcolumns="3" title="1" description="0" thumbnail_alignment="top" descriptionwordsnumber="6"]


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  • I found that by adding this to the css, it responds responsively:

    /* this is the class of the iframe itself */
    .ytcplayer {
      width: 100%;

    note: only tested it in chrome

    Plugin Author PoseLab



    I added responsive support in version 1.8

    Thanks for the advices

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