• .. and this is what I’ve come up with:


    The site is using the actual theme, but I’ve linked to the actual blog I posted about releasing the theme for public use (feel free to download, change it, modify it, whatever if you like it).

    I realize its very simple, as that was my goal.. just wondering what you guys think? I’ve been using WordPress here for about a week and a half, with alot of previous experience with HTML, CSS, and PHP.. but no previous experience with WordPress.

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  • Not a bad first stab I would guess…look into your style sheet and make all the stuff line up. the name needs to go to the right and get otta the tree. the body needs to shrink to let the side bar to the top. close though…keep playin with it.

    -this being said from a guy thats never done it. ??

    You seem to be having some of the same problems I am.

    The section on the right begins adjacent to the bottom of the section on the left when viewed in IE6.

    I see background on your rounded corners.

    Your name header thingy overlaps the tree. Is it supposed to be gray?

    Along the left side things don’t seem to look as they should.

    I spent a weekend on my site, got it looking right in IE7 and Firefox, then came to work and saw IE6 has everything all messed up.

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