• Ok i have the in my css for the next and previous page …at the bottom

    li#postsnav {
    color: #369;
    font-weight: normal;

    The nav code..

      <li id="postsnav">
      <center><?php posts_nav_link(' | ', __('&laquo; Previous Page'), __('Next Page &raquo;')); ?></center>

    So what has to be changed to give it the same font color as the rest of my page ?

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  • Try using font-color instead of color. See if that does anything.

    Thread Starter john1000



    I guess it should be defined as
    #pstsnav li a {
    color: #369;
    font-weight: normal;
    #pstsnav li a:visited {
    color: #369;
    font-weight: normal;

    Thread Starter john1000


    thanks moshu but ive put in your sample…as you posted it but nothing changes and the damn DOT ….yeah a li….returns….

    oops, there is a typo in my posting!
    pstsnav vs. postsnav
    …and you have to add the hover and active lines, too!

    Thread Starter john1000


    yeah saw the typo ,so the rest in same as in visited ?

    Thread Starter john1000


    thanks nuclearmoose,
    but that didnt worked …
    when i added your stuff the ugly li dot showed up again…
    and as for the link you posted…
    well i dont have mozilla -firefox installed so that doesnt help…

    I don’t see any “ugly dots” (which I suppose means bullets in list).

    Thread Starter john1000


    yeah i took it out again and replaced it again with the previous…
    like nuclearmoose mentioned that i had some defined at the top in the css so i started to play around with that…
    almost got it how i want it.
    man ….but this can get you crazy…
    ok they dont like the few letter words here posted but it starts with an S…
    Now the last problem…..
    is on the other forum….
    getting the ….print..date…and time of day all on 1 line…
    Is that possible ?

    Run, don’t walk, over to https://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ and install Firefox. Design your stuff on that or on one of the Opera browsers, (not my choice but Opera is still MUCH better than IE), and get away from IE. Using a browser that has far better compliance to web standards will remove a lot of grief from the process. If they work in Firefox/Mozilla/Opera, then chances are you have done some good work. When it borks in IE, you can then look for the workarounds.
    Bottom line, dump IE and use it only when testing your designs, not when building your sites.
    Also, for your last question, I’d suggest a whole new post for that, rather than burying it in here. Makes it too hard to find answers in the future.

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