• I thought instead of asking why I can’t login after install (with admin and the generated password), I’d just ask, can everyone login to the admin account once WordPress is installed?
    -If so, are you using your hosts server?
    -Are you using your on server?
    -Are you using Foxserv or a package similar to Foxserv to work on a dynamic site locally?
    -When you enter ‘admin’ and your dynamically generated password, in what file will this information be checked for accuracy?
    -What might be a reason the dynamically generated password and username- admin would fail…the screen simply refreshes itself.
    I’ve been trying nightly builds and the standard 1.02 for over a week now on my local machine. It just won’t take my username/password combination at all. Any help is very much appreciated…
    I mean at the point you use your username/pass combo everything should be smooth sailing no…?

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  • Usually this is caused as a result of cookies being disabled. Make sure that your browser has cookies enabled.
    Also check the browsers security settings. Having the settings too high will disable cookies.
    Also make sure that if you have a software firewall or antivirus software that they are not blocking the use of cookies.
    Good Luck.

    I know nothing of Foxserv, so I can’t help you there. The minimum requirements to run WP are :
    * PHP version 4.1 or greater
    * MySQL version 3.23.23 or greater
    * (optional) The Apache mod_rewrite module, for the nice URI functions.
    As for the admin/password combo, they are stored in the database itself. My understanding is that encryption is part of the password management in the upcoming release. I may be wrong on this.
    I am using a hosted Apache server, and not running a local install. I have never had an issue of not being able to log in once I have installed.

    I am running a local install. I know very little about server side operations but EasyPHP is brilliant. It is an Apache/ Mysql/ PHP/ PHPadmin combo
    kind of thing. It went in like a dream and WP by a miracle followed at the first attempt (once I discounted the shushbh effect) ??

    Thread Starter matius


    NuclearMoose > So do you upload to your server every time you want to make a little change to your website? I’m trying to develop this locally so I can avoid that…
    Anonymous…EasyPHP, it’s all French to me ??

    matius….. are you running on a windows box by any chance?
    IF so, try using for your web address, and/or move WP into a sub folder. I have this same problem when running on my local test machine ( a Win2000 running Apache & PHP). For some reason cookies do not get set properly. It wasn’t until I moved it into a subfolder and used the 127 address that things began working for me.
    Also, there are things in the nightly that are NOT in the 1.02 release which maycause problems (ie: in the nightlies, the password is encrypted and in the latest release -1.02 – it isn’t (some one correct me if I’m wrong about that))… so that may be part of the cause as well (if you want to run the nightly (which matt will tell you isn’t recommended for production anyways) don’t forget to also run the upgrade.php that goes with it.)

    Thread Starter matius


    Yes it is a windows box, XP. I appreciate your help TG but nothin’ doin. I actually had WP in a subfolder to begin with…tried the to no avail. Strange thing is I’ve tried this now on 3 different computers. I doubt it’s the browser.
    I was thinking it might be this Foxserv program but everything seems to check out with the MySQL database. I am able to create the admin account and user accounts, just can’t get past this login screen.
    So somewhere between the submit button and the program that checks/references the database- something goes wrong. I’ve used Opera/Internet Explorer and checked both their cookies status- enabled and cleared to the best of my knowledge.
    I’m trying to give up on WP. It installed fine on my hosts server…I really want this to work.
    Thanks again for your help…

    Thread Starter matius


    EDIT > I’m trying not to give up on WP ??

    Wait…. are you trying to login using the database user & password, or admin and the password that WP gave you? — never mind… I see that’s answered in the first post.
    OK, can you get into the datbase and look at the users table? Are the passwords in plain text? Or does it look like a cryptic set of “random” numbers?

    I loaded them like so: Apache, mySQL, PHP, all by hand, or at least by using the installers that came with the packages (I did not use any third party installers.)
    OK, from what I’ve been able to gather, encrypted passwords are NOT implemented in the 102 release– which means that if the passwords are encrypted, and you are using the 102 release, that it isn’t going to work. *sigh* but you’ve also said that you’ve cleaned out the db, and have tried again. To be honest, I’m out of ideas, short….. um, can you chekc your database, in the options table, one of the settings is for the site url, make sure there ISN’T a trailing / on the end of it…. I just saw apost earlier where there was a problem setting a cookie because of that….

    Thread Starter matius


    Bugger. Alright, listen…I appreciate your help on this. I’ll poke around and pull my hair out for a little while longer.

    matius, i’m also using foxserv (on win2k) and i get the same login-loop (with ie, firefox & opera).
    sorry, i currently don’t have a solution for this, but i noticed that only the password-cookie gets set, not the username-cookie. if i remember correctly there’s a function somewhere in the login-script that checks for the username-cookie and redirects you back to the login if it’s not set.
    currently i’m running WP on my linux-box (suse 9) without any problems, but if time permits i’ll look into the cookie-setting function and see if i can fix it – might be a problem related to foxserv though.
    i’ll soon switch to xampp which has more recent versions of apache/php/etc. maybe this fixes the problem.
    btw, i had exactly the same problem with mamboserver a while ago…

    Problem is still going strong … using FF1.06 XP SP2 … and FoxServ … gonna try Xampp

    I’m running into the same problem. Using FoxServ on a WindowsXP system. Databases in phpMyAdmin look good. Cookies are enabled on all my browser clients, but the login screen keeps redirecting to itself with no error message if provided a good username and password. Has Xampp fixed anybody else’s problems?

    For the record: Using Xampp fixed my problem. (And all my other php to mySql websites worked with FoxServ. But I’m fine with Xampp, I even expect to like it better.)

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