Socail Media Icon E-Mail is gone
Hi Ben
Same problem on my site with the e-mail icon in the footer (like after the theme update.
do you have also a snippet for me ;-)? i use the elementor plug-in too…
Cheers, Dave
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Hi Dave,
Got it, please try adding this CSS to your site:
.site-header .fa-envelope:before, .site-footer .fa-envelope:before { content: "\f0e0"; }
Thx Ben, but that not help. And in the mobile view, I also have the responisive menu icon on the top right no more…
Cheers, Dave
one more note: I have made the theme-update from 1.5x to the latest version…
Do you have a caching plugin active on the site? If so, please empty your site’s cache and then check again. You may need to clear your browser’s cache as well.
Hi Ben
Yes, i have Cachify and Autoptimize. After clearing all possible caches i still have the problem with the social media icon & the menu icon on the top right (mobile view & small window on my pc). I add your code also into the “Additional CSS” section in the Customizer.
Cheers, Dave
to check if AO is breaking something; you can disable Autoptimize on a per-request basis by adding
to the URL.if the problem is not there at that point, some autoptimize (re-)configuration might be needed to fix this. there are troubleshooting tips and info on how to exclude in the AO FAQ.
hope this helps debugging,
frank (ao dev)Hi Frank
Thx for your feedback but the issue with the menu & e-mail icon is still there. I also deactivate the plugins (Autoptimize & Cachify)…
Other plugins i have active:
CSS Hero
Hide Page and Post Title
Updraft Plus Backup
WP Lightbox2
WP Rollback
WP-OptimizeCheeers, Dave
Is there any way I can get a look at the site? I don’t see Tracks active on the URL you originally shared.
I’m still not exactly sure what’s happening, but I am seeing a 403 error on the font files used to display the icons:
There is an error from CSS Hero there as well, but I’m not sure if that’s currently causing any display issues on the site.
403 errors usually occur because of an issue with the server’s file permissions or the .htaccess file. Try visiting your Permalinks settings page (Settings > Permalinks) and re-save the existing settings. WordPress will recreate your .htaccess file and this could solve the problem. Otherwise, check with your host if you can reset the file permissions. I’m guessing one of these two methods should do the trick.
Hi Ben
Thx for the hint & i edit/create several htaccess files… And i hope, i’m save with it ?? I will chek the files or do you see any lines of code that trigger the error? I hope I still remember what I was thinking at the time. I work in the IT, but I’m not a pro at such topics ??
Kind regards
Dave# BEGIN WordPress
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</IfModule>I found the case!
With a .htaccess (1) file in the directory wp-content, I restrict the access restrictive, but then I have placed with individual folders (for example plugins\elementor) another htacces file (2) so certain functions run again.
That does not sound logical or what does the professional think ?? ?
Cheers, Dave
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Files ~ “.(xml|css|jpe?g|png|gif|js)$”>
Allow from all
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Satisfy anyDave,
I don’t have much experience editing .htaccess, but it does look rather long compared to the default .htaccess file. I would try removing any custom code you’ve added or switching to the default .htaccess file at least temporarily to debug.
Please make sure to backup your .htaccess file as well just in case these settings are needed for a plugin on your site to function properly. This can be as simple as saving a copy to your desktop.
Also, I’m not certain about this but I think it may be a potential security risk to publicly share the contents of your .htaccess file. I’m going to ping a moderator just to be safe and they may delete your post.
OK, thx for your help and effort!
There’s nothing private in the htaccess file.
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