65 Parse Error Twitter16_6
65 Parse Error Facebook16_6
65 Parse Error email16_6
65 Parse Error StumbleUpon16_6
65 Parse Error Delicious16_6
65 Parse Error Reader16_6
65 Parse Error LinkedIn16_6
65 Parse Error BlinkList16_6
65 Parse Error Digg16_6
65 Parse Error Myspace16_6
65 Parse Error Reddit16_6
65 Parse Error Tumblr16_6
75 Property heigth doesn’t exist : 16px
75 Parse Error Tumblr16_6
75 Property heigth doesn’t exist : 16px
75 Parse Error Tumblr16_6
75 Property heigth doesn’t exist : 16px
75 Parse Error Tumblr16_6
75 Property heigth doesn’t exist : 16px
75 Parse Error Tumblr16_6
75 Property heigth doesn’t exist : 16px
75 Parse Error Tumblr16_6
75 Property heigth doesn’t exist : 16px
75 Value Error : cursor poainter is not a cursor value : poainter
I deactivated it until it can be fixed. Here were the errors.