Gazette does not offer a slider for featured content. You can look through the Slider plugins and try a few. Which would be compatible I cannot say. Some are more compatible than others.
On the footer social icons, we can “fix” the entire footer to the bottom, but since you didn’t give us a link to your site, this is a general solution. Depending if you are using the footer text area or not, the bottom margin on .site-content
may have to be adjusted so that the bottom content is not partially obscured. If you are using the footer text area, you may also have to create a Media Query in order to adjust the spacing for smaller screens. It may even take a couple of them.
#colophon {
position: fixed;
z-index: 1;
bottom: 0;
background-color: #fff;
width: 100%;
.site-content {
padding-bottom: 130px;