Ok so I assumed it wasn’t working because I am not familiar with scripting, especially in wordpress. I placed this jQuery text exactly where your response and the image said to. Still doesn’t work I have read multiple support/tip websites seeing if there is something I have missed and played with code (changing the class of facebook based on viewing the page source, changing jQuery to $ and back again) and nothing has worked. I still have those incredibly distracting tool-tip boxes on hover.
I have tried adding display:none in CSS to just about everything and tried multiple tool-tip plug-ins and nothing works (doesn’t even change the styling of the boxes).
I have no idea what I am doing wrong here and cannot think of anything else I can attempt to make it work out of my incredibly small repertoire of coding skills.
I also realized that I don’t think I included a link to the website itself which is probably not making troubleshooting any easier. Link: https://txohc-new.txohc.org/.