ok! first off make sure to create a backup of your site before you make any changes. You will need to edit the header.php, functions.php and style.css files, so make sure you back those files up before editing them. Here is a download link with the code you need to add to those files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5636531/Add_Serene_Social_Icons.zip
Next you can edit the files through the wordpress theme editor or with your own text editor.
open the header.php file and do a search (cmd+f mac, ctrl+f windows) for “facebook”. Now go to the first “<?php endif; ?>” that comes after all of the “facebook” text and hit return/enter at the very start of the “<?php endif; ?>” to create a new line. Make sure you are outside of those brackets. Copy and paste everything from my header file onto that new line and save.
open the functions.php file and do a search for “facebook” again. Hit return before “$wp_customize->add_setting( ‘facebook_url'” to create a new line and paste everything from my function file there and save.
open the style.css file and do a search for “facebook” again. Hit return after the closing bracket ‘}’ to create a new line and paste everything from my style file there and save.
After all that you should be able to add your social links in the wordpress customization section under theme settings. Hope that works for you!