Hi Mark,
The first thing to look at is the source code for one of your posts. Search the source code for og: and you’ll see the Open Graph meta that All in One SEO Pack outputs. If this matches what you set for that post then All in One SEO Pack is working correctly. I checked one of your posts and it looked fine.
The second thing to do is run one of your posts through the Facebook debug tool (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) and the Twitter debug tool (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/validation/validator). If these tools read the OG meta fine then there are no issues with your site. I ran one of your posts through both tools and the only error I got was that Facebook complained that the OG Image was not large enough (they want OG images to be 1200px x 630px but they haven’t actually updated the debug tool to reflect this so we can safely ignore that warning.
So now we know everything is good with your OG meta. This means that the problem lies with whatever you are using to Tweet or Like the post. If you’re using a plugin for this then you’ll need to contact the developer of that plugin and find out if they use the OG meta that All in One SEO Pack outputs. If they ignore our meta then there’s not much you can do except try a different plugin. You want to use a plugin that uses the OG meta output by All in One SEO Pack.