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  • loginradius


    Hi Diabolique65,

    Please follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the issue:-
    1. Open “wp-content/plugins/simplified-social-share/LoginRadius_socialShare.php” (located in your WordPress website root folder) in your favorite code editor.
    2. Search following code (around line 35) :-

    // show horizontal sharing
    if((isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharehome']) && is_front_page()) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharepost'] ) && (is_single() || $post -> post_type == 'post')) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharepage'] ) && is_page() ) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareexcerpt'] ) && has_excerpt() ) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharearchive'] ) && is_archive() ) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharefeed'] ) && is_feed() )){
    if(isset($loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareTop'] ) && isset($loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareBottom'])){
    $content = $horizontalDiv.''.$content.''.$horizontalDiv;
    $content = $horizontalDiv.$content;
    $content = $content.$horizontalDiv;

    3. Replace the code searched above with following :-

    // show horizontal sharing
    if((isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharehome']) && is_front_page()) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharepost'] ) && (is_single() || $post -> post_type == 'post')) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharepage'] ) && is_page() ) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareexcerpt'] ) && has_excerpt() ) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharearchive'] ) && is_archive() ) || ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_sharefeed'] ) && is_feed() ) || bp_current_component() == 'groups' ){
    if(bp_current_component() == 'groups'){
    if(current_filter() == 'get_the_excerpt' && (isset($loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareTop'] ) || isset($loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareBottom']))){
    $content = $horizontalDiv.$content;
    if(isset($loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareTop'] ) && isset($loginRadiusSettings['horizontal_shareBottom'])){
    $content = $horizontalDiv.''.$content.''.$horizontalDiv;
    $content = $horizontalDiv.$content;
    $content = $content.$horizontalDiv;

    Hope this helps!



    @loginradius – please use the code buttons when posting code on these forums –

    I’ve fixed the code above, though it may have been damaged.

    Thanks WPyogi!
    Will surely take this into consideration going forward.

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