• Resolved DivaVocals


    Here’s the summary of all the changes I made to support members only products. A few of the the changes I made are optional but I thought made things work much nicer (like adding the short description to the product loop pages)

    These code snippets do the following (all clearly labeled):

    1. Removes the add to cart button on the product loop and single product pages
    2. Replaces the add to cart button on the single product page with text that tells site visitors that the product is only available for purchase by members
    3. Add the short description to the product loop page
    4. Remove short description form the single product page
    5. Redirects visitors to the membership levels page when accessing protected shop pages or products
    6. Adds a membership levels shortcode that can be dropped into any widget
    7. Adds the Membership Levels meta box to the product edit/create pages so that individual products can be explicitly flagged as members only – the product will show on the product loop page with the short description (if defined) and no add to cart button. But if protected products are selected, the visitor is re-directed to the membership levels page

    I want to thank the PMPro support team of Jess, Jason, and Harsha for their help.. ?? Though I have a ton of end to end process testing left to do, all signs indicate that this is the right blend of functions to get the job done. I have credited the sources of most of my snippets as well.. So a shout out goes to the WordPress community too..

    /* Begin PMPro code to redirect to login or homepage if user is logged out or not a member and accesses a protected page */
    add_action("init", "pmpro_cpt_init", 20);
    function my_template_redirect(){
    add_action('template_redirect', 'my_template_redirect');
    /* End PMPro code to redirect to login or homepage if user is logged out or not a member and accesses a protected page */

    Removing the add to cart buttons:
    I saw a TON of posts on the best way to remove the add to cart buttons from the WooCommerce pages, and MANY of them involved using the CSS “display: none;” solution to hide the add to cart button..

    The problem with this — and why I rejected it as an acceptable option — is that if one was sufficiently motivated, they could view the page source and figure out the add to cart URL and backdoor the product into the cart — though in the case of the site I am working on that wouldn’t have netted them much since the “Cart” and “Checkout” pages are protected by PMPro.. **lol**

    The function below REMOVES the add to cart buttons versus HIDING the add to cart button. This ensures that there is no “backdoor” to adding a product to the cart. Please note that this code uses the pmpro_hasMembershipLevel() function versus the is_user_logged_in() function to make sure that someone who manages to register a user account but is not a member STILL can’t purchase products. As a bonus this code also includes functionality so that if the visitor viewing the single product page is not a valid member, the add to cart button is not only removed, but replaced with text that tells them they must be a registered member to purchase..

    /* Begin Remove Add to Cart button from the product loop and single product page */
    /* Source: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/remove-add-to-cart-buttons-from-product-page?replies=31#post-4337674 */
    /* Source: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-change-add-to-cart-button-to-a-read-more-button#post-5425093 */
    function remove_loop_button(){
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart', 10 );
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart', 30 );
    /*Replace Add to Cart button with members only text on single product page */
    function my_woocommerce_single_product_summary() {
        echo '<br /><h3>Only Registered Club Members Can Purchase</h3><br />';
    add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'my_woocommerce_single_product_summary', 10 );
    /* End Remove Add to Cart button from the product loop and single product page */

    If you use the Membership Levels meta box (code below) to protect products you edit/create, this will make the single product page for that product inaccessible. However, even protected products will still display in the product loop pages. For my implementation, I wanted use the product loop page as a “teaser” page for my member only products. Unfortunately there is no product description on the product loop page. So I added the product short description to make this “teaser” a little more useful/effective. (this may not be required for all stores who are using this members only products solution)

    /* Begin Add "Product Short Description" to the product loop page */
    /* Source: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-add-product-description-to-category-or-shop-page?replies=29#post-3375729 */
    add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title','woocommerce_template_single_excerpt', 5);
    /* End Add "Product Short Description" to the product loop page */

    Personally showing the short description and long description on the single product page is silly (and redundant).. This function removes the short description on the single product page..

    /* Begin Delete "Product Short Description" from the product pages */
    /* https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-delete-product-short-description-from-product-pages?replies=3#post-3441723 */
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_excerpt', 20);
    /* End Delete "Product Short Description" from the product pages */

    Needed to drop my member levels on a few places in the site (widgets) this lets me do this. With the code below in place I only need to drop the shortcode [my_pmpro_levels] any widget I need to show my membership levels table.

    /* Begin Custom PMPro Levels shortcode */
    function my_pmpro_levels($atts = NULL)
        include(PMPRO_DIR . "/preheaders/levels.php");
        if(file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . "/paid-memberships-pro/pages/levels.php"))
            include(get_stylesheet_directory() . "/paid-memberships-pro/pages/levels.php");
            include(PMPRO_DIR . "/pages/levels.php");
        $temp_content = ob_get_contents();
        return apply_filters("pmpro_pages_shortcode_levels", $temp_content);
    add_shortcode('my_pmpro_levels', 'my_pmpro_levels');
    /* End Custom PMPro Levels shortcode */

    Finally the last code snippet adds the Membership Levels meta box to the WooCommerce edit/create products pages. This allows you to protect individual products the same way you can protect individual pages/posts

    /* Begin Add Membership meta box to WooCommerce product add/edit */
    function my_page_meta_wrapper()
    //duplicate this row for each CPT
    add_meta_box('pmpro_page_meta', 'Require Membership', 'pmpro_page_meta', 'product', 'side');
    function pmpro_cpt_init()
    if (is_admin())
    add_action('admin_menu', 'my_page_meta_wrapper');
    add_action("init", "pmpro_cpt_init", 20);
    /* End Add Membership meta box to WooCommerce product add/edit */

    And that is the code I used to create members only products using WooCommerce & Paid Membership Pro. Hope this is useful to others.. Your mileage may vary..


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  • Just want to clarify for anyone else reading this – I mentioned in your other topic, this is a great start but by no means a foolproof solution to get the level of security a true members only products solution would probably require. For example, products can still be added to the cart other ways if a user is clever enough and there is no actual protection against having a members only product in the cart.

    So this may work for some, but it’s not an official airtight solution. If it works for you, great! …just know that it’s not perfect.. yet ??

    Thanks again DivaVocals!

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    Happy to share my solution with the community.. I didn’t represent this as being bulletproof, just a solution I am using with explanations what each of the code snippets does.. If there is a backdoor, I’d like to know what it is so I can look out for ways to improve my solution.. That said, I would like some clarification on this statement..

    “messica” wrote:

    For example, products can still be added to the cart other ways if a user is clever enough and there is no actual protection against having a members only product in the cart.

    Would love to hear what a potential backdoor to adding products to the cart might be.. I’m not seeing it, and if you do see one, would you please share..

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    Needed to add this..

    Right now the the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages on my client’s site are PMPro protected pages so even if someone could backdoor adding a product to the cart, they have no access to the Cart or Checkout pages to complete the purchase.

    I know that yes a REALLY clever person who…

    • KNOWS how WooCommerce structures it’s HTML
    • uses that knowledge to determine the product ID
    • AND having that data ALSO knows how to construct the “add to cart” URL to backdoor a product into the cart

    with all of these variables, then YES a clever person could backdoor adding a product to the cart and NOT be a member.. I would think that protecting the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages with PMPro should prevent a non-member from completing the purchase..

    So using the list of variables above, while is VERY possible to backdoor a product into the cart, I can’t see anyone going through that much trouble to purchase member only products.. Not saying it’s NOT possible, just seems unlikely.. I am open to other POV’s though.. ??

    Are there OTHER ways to backdoor purchase products that I am not seeing here?? Is there any reason why protecting the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages with PMPro will not be enough to mitigate those backdoors??

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    Wanted to add this.. for anyone who like me is using the Menu Cart Pro plugin: https://wpovernight.com/downloads/menu-cart-pro/

    If you use the premium version and use the shortcode inside a widget, you can hide the widget from non-members by using this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/widget-logic/

    All you need to do is enter the pmpro_hasMembershipLevel() function versus the is_user_logged_in() function when you configure the shopping cart header widget.

    Thanks DivaVocals, I can’t think of other ways off the top of my head, but I’m sure they are. However, I’m thinking a good way of making sure member products don’t get added to the cart is iterating through the cart items (like we do when searching for a “membership” product) and checking for the membership post meta data when the cart loads. If there are products found and user doesn’t have membership, remove the item from the cart, and possibly display some error message.

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    I understand this Messica. However, I think what you speak of would apply to a site with a mix of member and non member products..

    On the site I am building, ALL products are member’s only products.. If both the cart and checkout pages are protected by PMPro, and all the products are member’s only products are you saying you STILL think that someone could checkout?? I’m not trying to be a PITA, but I’m trying to understand how that could be possible..

    In your case, since you only have members only products, your solution sounds fine. I just wanted to give a disclaimer that this is not (yet) an official PMPro solution and it may not apply to all websites – I’m not trying to be a PITA either! :p

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    understood, but to be fair, I thought I was VERY clear that this isn’t any kind of an OFFICIAL solution.. (afterall I’m NOT a member of the PMPro dev team.. ?? )

    it’s a solution I am using and in the spirit of community I shared it hoping someone else would find it useful.. (which is why I clearly site the sources of all the code snippets I used..) I owe much to community forums so I share what I learn when I learn.. ??

    Hiii Diva,

    I have small issue after installing Woo + PmPro + PmProWoo. When i go to products and make it membership product and select membership type and update. In the shop of woo, product does not have option to add to cart for member as well as non member. It just have Read more.

    Please see screen shot how it behaves after updating the product. It automatically goes back to simple product type.




    About your solution, its just cool solution, Just loved. Though i have mix website wherein products can be purchased by members and non member. But i believe this is still good work around.

    I pasted it in functios.php in my theme, and thats working.

    I have installed Paid membership pro and PMPro WooCommerce plugin (from https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/pmpro-woocommerce ) on WPLMS Learning Management System theme to test function buying membership levels through Woocommerce plugin. It’s ok if use direct product’s link creation by the way link Paid membership Pro’s level and product on woocommerce. I’m getting two issues now:

    1. If users use membership page levels creation by Paid membership Pro, the PMPro WooCommerce plugin is not active for aim buy level through Woocommerce! It’s mean, this time when user want to buy or change his level on this page, him only can payout by Paid membership Pro’s payment gateway!

    2. in Membership’s price field on Woocommerce product when the price over 1000, It’s automatic changing to empty field.

    Please help me test and hope you’ll soon have solutions for these issues!

    onlinecourse, could you please post a new topic next time to avoid clutter? Thanks!

    > when user want to buy or change his level on this page, him only can payout by Paid membership Pro’s payment gateway!

    That’s correct – PMPro’s Levels pages will still redirect to the PMPro checkout, and WooCommerce’s shop pages will redirect to WooCommerce’s shop – so you should be using either one or the other to avoid confusion.

    > 2. in Membership’s price field on Woocommerce product when the price over 1000, It’s automatic changing to empty field.

    I was able to recreate this on my dev setup so it appears to be a bug. We’ll work on a fix and post an update when ready.


    Thanks so much for your quickly support!

    I’m creating new topic for this problem now!


    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    Would the admins PLEASE close this post to avoid anymore off topic post hijacking.. It was marked as resolved LONG AGO..

    If you want to sell individual products to specific memberships, I have worked this out. To be succinct, you will need PMPro Roles and Woocommerrce Dynamic Pricing plugins.

    First install PMPro Roles and then Dynamic Pricing. Then setup your dynamic pricing per product, category or however you need to. If you use PMPro with a global discount, you will have to remember that when setting a members price for a product since both will be applied. One thing to note, actual discounted prices won’t show until the user views the cart.

    I hope this helps!

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