• If you are getting a database error like this:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT p2c.category_id AS cat_id, COUNT(p2c.rel_id) AS numposts, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(posts.post_date_gmt)) + ‘8’ AS last_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(posts.post_date_gmt)) AS last_post_date_gmt FROM wp_post2cat p2c INNER JOIN wp_posts posts ON p2c.post_id=posts.id WHERE 1 = 1 AND posts.post_type = ‘post’ AND posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND posts.post_date_gmt <= ‘2007-09-19 12:08:25’ GROUP BY p2c.category_id ORDER BY numposts DESC

    or like this:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘wordpress.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT c.cat_name FROM wp_post2cat p2c INNER JOIN wp_categories c ON p2c.category_id = c.cat_id WHERE p2c.post_id = 218

    or like this:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘wordpress.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT cat_ID AS ID, MAX(post_modified) AS last_mod FROM wp_posts p LEFT JOIN wp_post2cat pc ON p.ID = pc.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_categories c ON pc.category_id = c.cat_ID WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY cat_ID

    or any other database error which contains wp_post2cat or wp_categories, you are using a plugin or theme which is not compatible with WordPress 2.3.

    Example plugins which don’t work:

    It could also be that your theme is causing this error:

    Please double check before posting that you don’t use any incompatible plugins. A list of plugins that work and which won’t work can be found at the WordPress Codex.

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  • I am getting this error. However, I am now unable to deactivate any plugins from admin. AND, I am unable to delete any of the plugin folders, or even the Plugins folder from my server now. When I try I get an error saying I do not have the permissions. Wow, I am stupified.

    I found out that Custom Query String is causing my wp_categories errors. I’d really like to continue using it but Matt Read no longer supports it. Would anyone know what to change to make it work with 2.3?



    I found out that Custom Query String is causing my wp_categories errors. I’d really like to continue using it but Matt Read no longer supports it. Would anyone know what to change to make it work with 2.3?

    I really liked that plugin thing…really nifty. I’m still running it though. Just that you are not able to specify the arrangement of posts within specific categories. However you can still give general rules to all the categories and archives as a whole in general.

    Of course if anyone do have a substitute for this plugin, do post it!

    Lastly, I’ve done some searching around the plugin database. There seems to be some plugins similar to this. Where it allows you to arrange by alphabatical order. Another one was even more specific, allowing you to order the exact sequence of the posts. But I found it to be not what I needed as it’s far too specific, tedious and requires too much input on my part. Anything close to Matt Read’s Custom Query String is much appreciated!

    This could not get any better. I was forced to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3 yesterday after HostGator decided to randomly shut down my site for abuse claiming that I was producing SQL queries (ie, server load) that they could not explain.

    I’ve been getting the “‘wp_categories’ doesn’t exist” message since the upgrade.

    In trying to ascertain what plugin, if any, was causing the problem, I tried out the groovey new ‘categories to tags’ function, which then deleted all my categories — save, of course, for the default one.

    So now I have table errors as well as no categories.

    How exciting! Can it get better?

    Hi all,

    I’ve been using a customized version of the Yet Another Photoblog plugin, which has also been hit by the 2.3 post2cat gotcha. The author’s forum is regrettably having problems at this moment so I’m giving this place a try. ??

    As part of my customizations I’ve got a Query variable that looks like this (and I’m sure is what is causing the choking at this time):

    $query = "SELECT p.* FROM $wpdb->post2cat p2c LEFT JOIN $wpdb->posts p ON p2c.post_id = p.ID WHERE p2c.category_id = $categoryId AND p.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY post_date DESC" . $limit;

    Since I don’t speak MySQL :P, how should this string be built so I can stop getting the “table not found” message?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I’m also getting a similar error in regards to Posting Comments, Posts and removing Comments/Posts.
    Here is what I’m getting :

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘web6_db1.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT YEAR(post_date) AS year, MONTH(post_date) AS month, category_id FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_post2cat ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_post2cat.post_id) WHERE post_date > 0 AND category_id <> 0 AND ID = 95 ORDER By post_date DESC

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web6/web/wp-includes/wp-db.php:160) in /var/www/web6/web/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 390

    I have already imported the old SQL backup I made and re-ran the upgrade.php with all Plug-ins disabled but still no luck. ??

    So I’m assuming it has something to do with my Theme?
    I am using iTheme 1.1…

    This really sucks ??

    I upgraded to 2.3 and my wp_categories tables disappeared from my database. All I did was replace the tables with my backup and ran upgrade again and it is working. Wanted to let you know in case this will help anyone.

    I’m getting the error simply by using query_posts in my sidebar to get recent posts from a specific category:

    <?php query_posts('cat=43&showposts=10');
     while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
    <div class="foo">
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>#comments"
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Suggestions welcome.

    ETA: It seems that cat=43 needs to become term=43, but the query no longer works as expected. It’s pulling up the last 10 posts regardless of their categories.

    Well, for me, the only temporary fix I’ve found is disabling this plugin:

    Extended Live Archives 0.10beta-r16

    Implements a dynamic archive, inspired by Binary Bonsai and the original Super Archives by Jonas Rabbe. Visit the ELA option panel to initialize the plugin. By Arnaud Froment (https://www.sonsofskadi.net/).

    Then, it works perfectly. Activating it, the errors comes back. A pitty, it’s a cool plugin for archives.

    I put together a plugin that will scan through other plugins and themes to look for potential conflicts with WordPress 2.3. It may be of help to others in their upgrade process. I recommend running it before upgrading to identify possible problems, but it can also be used after the fact to help find the source of errors.

    You can find it here: Upgrade Preflight Check.

    Thanks douglsmith! Very helpful! Work in 2 blogs, on another one I disable a certain plugin (WordPress Automatic Upgrade) and my Admin turn blank! I just got blank pages…I cannot acess my admin pages! Someone can help me?


    Douglsmith thats totally brilliant!
    I just wish I’d had that before I decided to upgrade yesterday – I’d vote that your plugin should be added to all future releases of WP. I’d like to know what’s likely to be broken by an upgrade before I run it!

    OK. so the issue is fixable either by changing plug-ins or themes.
    And reading above, I get the impression that the code for the default theme has changed 2.2 to 2.3.
    Can anyone point me to a listing of those changes?
    I’ve got a theme that is a customised version of default made for 2.2, and I’d like to check it through, as it’s likely that it is my problem. and I’d like to manually replicate any changes to default theme.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    sillybean: No, the “cat” variable should continue to work just fine for query_posts. If you’re getting any sort of category error from that, then you’re either using a plugin that modifies the query, or you failed to update all the files in wp-includes.

    About a third of the complaints I see in here seem to be from failing to update *all* the WordPress files. Make sure that you upload ALL the files, people.

    Also, disable all plugins before upgrading. Then re-enable them, one at a time. The changes in 2.3 are large, so the odds something will break your plugins is high. Look for upgraded or alternative plugins when you find one that breaks something.

    Producte is right.
    I also disabled the Extended Live Archives yesturday and everything seems to be working fine now.

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