SOLVED: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
Whenever my cache was expired I was getting the error message “Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array”.
I traced the error to the function oauthGetTweets (this function is located in the file “StormTwitter.class.php”).
The function was returning the result from twitter directly. I’m unclear why this is causing the problem, but it is. I fixed it by changing the end line of this function to the following:
$cacheRaw = file_get_contents($file);
$cache = @json_decode($cacheRaw, true);
return $cache[$cachename][‘tweets’];
//return $result;So after the data is pulled form twitter and then json encoded into the cache, I’m just pulling it right back out using “json_decode($cacheRaw, true)”, which insures that it is a proper array.
I’m guessing that the result from twitter isn’t in a proper array form, but I really don’t know. I do know that it works now – no error.
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