Some blog posts won't display/load
Hi. Since I started to put my website together I have made 13 blog posts. I’m just blogging to nobody in particular at the moment while I get the rest of the site up and running. I had my theme set up to display 5 posts per page, so my blog was using 3 pages. But just a little while ago I tried to go back and look at some of my earlier posts and received a “The requested page cannot be found” error. If I go into my theme settings and tell the blog to display 7 posts per page everything is okay (all posts show up) because the blog only needs 2 pages to display all of the posts. Basically it seems like if I can make all of my blog posts fit on 2 pages things will be okay, but obviously that isn’t going to be practical in the long run. I deactivated some recently updated/installed plugins but that didn’t make any difference. My biggest recent change has been upgrading to WordPress 3.4…
I have no idea where to start with trying to fix this! I would very much appreciate some help =)
My site is
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