• Thanks for the plugin!

    Some new code for you: https://david.dw-perspective.org.uk/tmp/js-css-include-manager.1.3.0.zip

    I’ve added a new field – making the CSS conditional. The conditions I’ve added are (using the WP functions):
    – is_user_logged_in()
    – current_user_can(‘manage_options’) – which is the best way to detect an admin
    – is_front_page()

    That was all I needed you could add more. Even better would be multiple conditions, or allowing the user to enter their own PHP directly – but I don’t need that.

    I also improved some English (my mother tongue). I did not improve everything. I could not understand these sentences at all:
    This plug-in is a will clean the file management.
    You can only manage the screen. You can also only site the screen.

    You should also use nonces.

    Many thanks,


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  • Plugin Author gqevu6bsiz


    Thank you for your New code!
    and improved of the English.

    I took in your code of version 1.3.
    Then I did the test.

    If debug mode,
    Fixed bug because there was an undefined error.

    You should also use nonces.

    I’m sorry, I did not know the meaning of ‘nonces’.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

    Many thanks,

    Thread Starter David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Great, thank you!

    Nonces protect users against XSS attacks:

    To get more users for your plugin, you should change this description: “This plug-in is a will clean the file management. You can only manage the screen. You can also only site the screen.” I am English and I cannot understand what that means. Try something like:

    “This plugin allows you to include extra JavaScript or CSS files in your WordPress page. You can:

    * Include as many as you like.
    * Choose whether files are to be included on the front-end or the back-end.
    * Choose where to include them in the header or the footer.
    * Choose conditions to use for inclusion (logged-in users only, admin users only, front page only).”

    Best wishes,

    Plugin Author gqevu6bsiz


    Hi David,

    Thank you for your advice!
    And your English! My English is poor.

    I examined the “Nonces”. Then, I did measures.
    I added the wp_nonce_field() and check_admin_referer().

    If you saying different,
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

    Many thanks,

    Thread Starter David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Hi gqevu6bsiz,

    Your English is much better than my Japanese. ?? I’m impressed.

    Looks good to me!

    I have been using the plugin on WordPress 3.6 beta 2, and it works fine, so you can probably update the “Tested up to:” field in readme.txt to 3.6.


    Plugin Author gqevu6bsiz


    Hi David,

    Thank you for the work reported in WordPress 3.6 beta 2.

    I will try to test to WordPress 3.6 beta 2 also.
    If there is no error,
    I will rewrite to 3.6 beta 2 the “Tested up to:” field of readme.txt.

    I will apply to the “Nonces” for my other plugins.

    Thank you for teaching in various ways!
    Thank you for reviews also!

    Many thanks,

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