Looks like a problem with the theme. The string that acts as the placeholder (“Search …”) isn’t actually in the theme’s POT file. It would be best if the theme author fixed this in a future update, but for now, you could fix it yourself in a child theme.
You’d have to copy the POT file from the parent theme to themes/bota-child/languages
and then edit the catalog to load the appropriate strings. In PoEdit, under Catalog > Properties > Sources paths, you’d have to change “Base path” from .
to ../../bota/languages
, and then under Sources keywords, you’d have to add esc_attr_e
to “Additional keywords”. Once that’s done, you should see the new string in the catalog, ready for translation. You’d then have to load the catalog into your child theme using load_theme_textdomain()
function load_translations() {
load_theme_textdomain( 'bota', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'load_translations' );