• Resolved jonny-s



    I really like your theme. I have three suggestions for the primary-menu.

    First one: I added the following code to have hover-effects for normal user (should not disturb screenreader-behavior, as it only use :hover, not focus, am I right?):

    .main-navigation .menu-item-has-children:hover ul {
    	display: block !important;
    .main-navigation .menu-item-has-children:hover button:hover {
    	box-shadow: none;

    Maybe you want to adopt it.

    The second thing: instead of a border-bottom to a-elements, I suggest to add border to it’s parent li-element. This way, the corresponding button of sub-menus is underlined as well.

    Third, there is a selector not that exactly as needed. You have loaded current page with sub-menu items. These sub-menu items are all underlined the :hover-way. Please alter the selector

    .current-menu-item a, 
    .current_page_item a


    .current-menu-item > span > a, 
    .current_page_item > span > a

    so that current-style only applies to direct child a, not that ones in it’s sub-menu.

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