• Resolved Erlend


    Really excited about this plugin, it could be a major addition to our support forum, so thanks a lot!

    It appears to work fine on the default BP theme (which I realize is all one can ask for) but I just figured I’d mention this here as I’ll be reporting it to our own web dev and the PressCrew guys as well. Here’s what I see on default compared to the Balance theme:

    Edit: On first quick glance, our webdev suspects the error occurs because you’re not using prefixes for classes etc., (append bbpress_plugin_name_* before each variable, function, class, CSS thing, whatever) so maybe your variables/definitions collide with our theme making it appear weird. I’ll try disable some plugins and we’ll see.

    Edit2: Nope, disabling all of our bbPress-related plugins did nothing. It’s probably the Balance theme.


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  • Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Hi Erlend,

    I’m sorry, i don’t have this excellent theme. I made my tests on BP Default and with my theme (not a BuddyPress theme) in the very beautiful and promising BuddyPress next version (1.7). And everything looked ok.
    The image you linked is showing that it’s working ok on BP Default, so i don’t see what’s going wrong with Balance.. If i can help more, i’ll do.

    Just my piece of cake, but the plugin can be used on single forum install or with BP group forum.
    On single install, the whole bbPress plugin is used. And the plugin use is own class, especially for the post title. The tip given about CSS concern this type of install.

    On the other part, BP use partially bbPress 1.2.3 and the post title has no hook to add something other as the default BP css classes… In a few words, it’s quite impossible, out of the box, to add something before or after a post title.

    FYI, on bp-default, the |support] appears on the forum topic list and on the single post view, as seing on your picture.

    If you need/want to style separatly the forum title and the additionnal [support], you have to add a class manually into the file buddy-bbPress-Support-Topic/includes/bp-bbp-st-buddypress.php:71 & 74

    Something like
    return '<span class="green">' . __('Resolved ', 'buddy-bbpress-support-topic') . '</span> ' . $topic_title;
    and same method for the support request return…
    Then add span.green { your_css;} into the child theme style.css file or whatever you use for custom CSS rules.

    You must also modify bp-default/forums/forums-loop.php.
    Put a copy of this file into your chid theme do have (your_child/forums/forums-loop.php)
    Go to line:53, in the table data (td class=”td-title”) you must modify the default setting of the permalink.
    <a class="topic-title" href="<?php bp_the_topic_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php bp_the_topic_title(); ?> - <?php _e( 'Permalink', 'buddypress' ); ?>">
    <a class="topic-title" href="<?php bp_the_topic_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Permalink', 'buddypress' ); ?>">

    If you don’t do this, the permalink “title” will contain the previous declared span and the final result will be very awfull!

    Hope this help.

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Hi erlend,

    I think i understand the glitches. Dan, he’s using bbPress 2.2.3, and you’re talking about bbPress 1.2 that powers group forums.

    I think Balance is using a specific template to render the topics. Just to test if i’m correct, try to edit at line 55 of buddy-bbpress-support-topic/includes/bp-bbp-st-bbpress.php the function ‘bp_bbp_st_check_topic_single( $slug, $name )’ by adding just before the condition :
    var_dump( $name );

    then if $name is different than ‘single-topic’ or ‘topic’ it’s the cause of the trouble. So you just need to add the $name echoed to the array in the condition.

    Please send me feedback on this one, i’ll try to find another cleaner way to handle Balance.

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Update !! I think Balance is filtering the bbPress function bbp_get_template_part

    Can you test replacing my complete function bp_bbp_st_check_topic_single( $slug, $name )’ that is located from line 55 to 60 of buddy-bbpress-support-topic/includes/bp-bbp-st-bbpress.php by this one :

    function bp_bbp_st_check_topic_single( $slug, $name ){
    	// Setup possible parts
    	$templates = array();
    	if ( isset( $name ) )
    		$templates[] = $slug . '-' . $name . '.php';
    	$templates[] = $slug . '.php';
    	// we get the template file to check
    	$templates = apply_filters( 'bbp_get_template_part', $templates, $slug, $name );
    	// we get the targeted template files
    	$targeted_templates_single = apply_filters( 'bbp_get_template_part', array( 'content-single-topic.php'), 'content', 'single-topic' );
    	$targeted_templates_edit = apply_filters( 'bbp_get_template_part', array( 'form-topic.php'), 'form', 'topic' );
    	$targeted_templates = array( $targeted_templates_single[0], $targeted_templates_edit[0] );
    	if( in_array( $templates[0], $targeted_templates ) ) {
    		add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bp_bbp_st_js_topic_single');
    		remove_filter( 'the_title', 'bp_bbp_st_change_topic_title', 99 );

    and tell me if it solves the glitches…

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Ok i’ve downloaded Elbee Elgee theme that has templates for bbPress. my last post doesn’t work. So i think this new code will solve the trouble, and i’ll do an upgrade soon, after some other tests..

    you need to replace line 52 to 60 of buddy-bbpress-support-topic/includes/bp-bbp-st-bbpress.php by these new lines :

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_template_part', 'bp_bbp_st_check_topic_single', 99, 3 );
    function bp_bbp_st_check_topic_single( $templates, $slug, $name ){
    	if( in_array( $name, array( 'single-topic', 'topic' ) ) ) {
    		add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bp_bbp_st_js_topic_single');
    		remove_filter( 'the_title', 'bp_bbp_st_change_topic_title', 99 );
    	return $templates;
    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Just upgraded to 1.0.1. It should fix the trouble you’re mentioning.

    Thanks for your feedback on this issue.

    Thread Starter Erlend


    Thanks a bunch for your prompt prompt support and keen attention to your plugin imath. Your plugin is now live on our site ??

    iMath you da man! Thanks for fixing this ??

    ps: If you ever want to use any of our themes you know where to find me!

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Hi Bowe

    Thanks ??

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