• Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hey everyone. So a few users have been experiencing upgrade issues with the new version of Easing Slider “Lite”. What appears to be happening is that the plugin is de-activating after the upgrade process. Once activated, the plugin appears to be reset and users appear lost there slideshow settings.

    This was occurring because the main plugin file was changed from ‘easingslider.php’, to ‘easingsliderlite.php’. This small detail was actually causing no problems at all on my own WordPress installs, of which I tested 7. However, for some users this caused the plugin to automatically deactivate, thus hampering the upgrade process that would import your old slides; hence the impression that everything had been deleted.

    v2.0.1.3 of Easing Slider “Lite” has revoked this automatic process that was subject to failing. Instead, we’ve chosen to go with a manual process in the form of a button on the ‘Edit Slideshow’ page. Once you’ve upgraded from v1.2.1, you’ll need to press this button to import your own settings. It’s not ideal, but it works.

    I’ve taken a quick screencast below of myself following the upgrade procedure. It’s actually very simple, and very familiar. Again, just be sure you import your old settings afterwards. That’s it.


    On a side note, Easing Slider “Lite” v2.x doesn’t actually delete your old settings, so if you decide to downgrade back to v1.2.1 your old settings will remain in-tact, as they were before.

    Lastly, for most users the upgrade process has actually been going fine, so don’t be alarmed or deterred from upgrading if you haven’t already. Although I’m unaware of the reason why the upgrade procedure seems to differ for some WordPress installs (probably due to their hosting setup), it looks like it has (hopefully) been resolved in taking an alternative approach.


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  • Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi Dave, it should be fine.

    Rather than getting into the troubleshooting, could you give the development version of the plugin a try? You can download it here. A few Javascript changes have been made.

    To avoid losing your slideshows, replacing the old Easing Slider files with the development version files via FTP. If you uninstall the plugin via the admin area you’ll lose your settings.

    OK. Now it is showing up, but I have to manually get the slideshow going. In IE9, FF19 & GC25, the first image would show up, but the slideshow didn’t start unless I clicked the right arrow once.
    Edit: I should mention that Automatic Playback is enabled.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi Dave, yes, I noticed that myself when giving it a try in IE9 recently. It was just a line of coded that hadn’t been changed alongside some other changes. Such is the nature of development versions.

    If you re-download and give it another try it should all be good now. Alternatively, you can just replace the slideshow.min.js file as it is the only file that has been edited. Apologies.

    Perfect! Thanks for your prompt attention to the matter.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    No problem at all ??

    Hello Matthew,

    Having a problem with the update. Prior to the update I had the slide show on the left and fixed content on the right side. With the update the slider is on the left but now the content is below the slider to the right. How do I adjust to have the slider and the content on the same plane?


    Hey Matthew,

    The slider just shows the loading icon and nothing else in IE9 (windows 7). This site is: https://www.discountdoubleglazing.net/1

    The slider just shows the loading icon and nothing else in IE9 (windows 7). This site is: https://www.discountdoubleglazing.net/1

    Using v2.1
    On checking with IE10 – I see the same loading icon only issue

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Guys, have you’s tried the development version as mentioned previously? It appears to have resolved all IE issues.

    You can download the development version here.

    @wolftravels, please start a separate support topic and I will deal with you there ??

    What is the method of implementing this manual upgrade please?

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    If you don’t mind losing your settings, just uninstall v2.1 and upload and activate the development version as normal.

    Otherwise, simply replace the slideshow.min.js manually within the easing-slider/js folder via FTP.

    Looks fine now in IE7 and IE10 with Dev version installed ??

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Great to hear! ??

    Sorry wrong post – going over to IE8 topic

    Hi Matthew,

    I’m having the same trouble with the update to easing slider as others, and I have read the forum. Specifically, I made sure to reactivate the plug-in, and then I reinstated my 1.x settings. I also chose “fade” under transitions. All to no avail. My banner has disappeared on my main page, but does show up on some older posts’ permalinks. FYI I have only one slide, kept meaning to add more, but was content using easing slider for its cool fade in effect until I actually added some other slides.

    my site: https://www.bayareabankruptcylawyerblog.com

    Thank you for any help you might be able to provide. If nothing else works, can you please send me a link to download the old version?

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