• Hey guys

    I’ve installed the plugin on https://howtolucid.com and have a few issues

    Changes I make to the settings don’t seem to effect the live mobile version of the site in AMP. Or at least, the changes aren’t 100%, sometimes they go lvie sometimes they don’t.

    The menu doesn’t link to other AMP versions of those pages

    Uploading a logo doesn’t change the live amp version either, for POSTS. It does change for the homepage.

    My Yoast XML sitemap for PAGES has now changed to not show pages but to be a HTML messy version of the sitemap showing only uploaded media like images? You can see this here: https://howtolucid.com/page-sitemap.xml The post sitemap still works though.

    I need to be able to DISABLE amp for certain POSTS and for all PAGES. For example a page where I have a quiz plugin, this post needs to NOT have an AMP version. And for pages, most of them are built with a frontend builder and I don’t want them to have an AMP version.
    HOW do I control this? I’ve tried clicking ‘hide’ in the post/page editor itself but this doesn’t stop the AMP version being there, or being linked to from a homepage or blog page.

    And more importantly, clicking ‘show NON AMP version’ at the bottom, doesn’t change. It just refreshes the AMP version of the page

    Thanks in advance guys

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  • Hello @howtolucid

    Thank you for using our plugin

    Changes go live , Please save once more ??

    1. It is upto you to setup AMP URL’s for menu here
    2. I have demonstrated here how the Logo is changing and is also available on homepage
    3. In the update that is going to happen today you can disable AMP on all pages : here
    4. For disabling AMP on Posts you can do this
    5. Non AMP Version Link Issue has been resolved here

    Thanx for pointing it out that few pages are still being rendered in AMP version and i have verified it to be true ??

    Regarding sitemap can you explain a bit more


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Khaled.
    Thread Starter howtolucid



    I have sorted the menu problem, but these issues are still there:

    I tried changing the option you sent a screenshot of, clicking ‘hide’ amp pages to STOP a post being amp, but it doesn’t do anything and the page is STILL linked to in the site and tries to load an AMP version.

    Also the non amp version link issue is still there, and the link you sent for that just goes to an update log on github, it doesn’t explain how you or I can fix the problem, and for the record I have the latest version of all plugins, and wordpress installed..?

    And for the sitemap,

    BEFORE I installed ths plugin, my sitemaps were fine, and created using Yoast SEO in XML format. Now, the PAGE sitemap, found here https://howtolucid.com/page-sitemap.xml
    is just a huge block of code and text, and NOT the format yoast usually makes for the sitemaps.. Any idea why this is?

    Also at the bottom of every AMP page on mobile there are 4-5 dots at the very end like bullet points but with nothing next to them? I can’t get rid of them.. Any ideas?

    Thanks for your support

    Hello @howtolucid

    Yes the issue you pointed out is actually a bug and i have reported it here , Thanks for pointing it out ??

    You can solve the view Non AMP link issue by looking at this code change , this will be the update 0.8.9

    Regarding Yoast Site-Map ill forward your request to Mohammed and Ahmed

    Regarding the Issue of Dots you can solve it by disabling Social Sharing plugin you are using ??
    Look Here , As you can see the container is different fromwhat we give therefore its from some other plugin

    Ill forward the Site-map issue they will answer that

    If you have anymore queries please let me know


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Khaled.

    Hello @jhill5

    Thank you for using our plugin but could you Explain the problem a bit more clearly


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