• Resolved sercorarq


    The mobile response of the Quest theme is very nice, the page loads very fast and shows well resized all the elements, in the main menu my site has a top page and some subpages than show in a dropdown. When my site is in a mobile device I can go to any subpage in the dropdown but I can′t go to the top page, when I touch it only opens the dropdown. My site is now online here and the issue is with the page “our services” (nuestros servicios), in desktop it opens prefectly but in mobile I can’t open it from the menu

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  • I think that’s by design, but anyway we can sidestep this issue by also assign top level menu item under it and display-none this extra menu item in big screen situation based on the breaking point used by theme.

    Theme Author pacethemes



    Yes the top menu link items will not work on mobile and that is by design as touch/click on the top level item in mobile should expand the dropdown and show children menu items

    Thread Starter sercorarq


    I understand that the menu works in a different way in a touch screen,and I think is a good solution to have the dropdowns working properly, but how can I put the top level menu item below making it visible only in the mobile site as paulwxp says??

    Theme Author pacethemes


    Simple, just add one more menu item (The top menu one) just below the original one but do not assign any children to it, once you add the menu let me know i will take a look at your URL and provide you the custom CSS required to hide the original menu item and show the duplicated one on mobile devices

    Thread Starter sercorarq


    Perfect. I just added the extra item in my website https://www.sercorarq.com.mx it’s in the menu “our services” (nuestros servicios) and then below is another item named “nuestros servicios” Thank you very much for your help.

    Theme Author pacethemes



    Sorry, what i meant was add “our services” as a top level menu item ( a duplicate one) and we will hide that on normal screen sizes and on mobile devices we will show that. Or are you fine with how you are doing now ?

    Thread Starter sercorarq


    Oh, I see, now I made the change as you say, so you can enter again to my site now is another duplicate with no children links assigned. Thank you for you support.

    Theme Author pacethemes


    Try the below CSS, i tested it on your site and it servers the purpose

    @media (max-width: 768px){
    		display: none;
    		display: block;
    @media (min-width: 768px){
    		display: none;
    Thread Starter sercorarq


    Thank you, now my site works perfectly on mobile version

    Theme Author pacethemes


    Great to know that you got it working :), please rate us if you like the theme, have a great day !

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