Hi @konjfuchie
I hope you’re well today!
I believe you are using a “Local (old)” checker engine and that engine – unlike the “cloud” one – doesn’t crawl the site on front-end but instead goes through the database.
I checked it and it doesn’t check links in Simple Download Monitor posts initially but it turns out to be caused by how the Simple Download Monitor works.
It creates posts of “download” type but the “content” of these posts – description and download URL – are stored in post meta (or “custom fields” if you will) and those aren’t by default checked by Broken Link Checker.
To solve that:
– go to Link Checker -> Local -> Settings” page
– switch to “Look for Links In” tab
– enable the “Custom fields” checkbox
– and in the configuration box below that option put following custom fields names (one or both depending on what you want to check):
Note: make sure it’s “one per line”. Then save the settings and switch to “Which Links To Check” tab and make sure that you have also “Plaintext URLs” option checked.
Once that’s done it will eventually catch up those posts and check links in them as well.
Best regards,