Some presale questions
Dear Viks!
I have been testing your plugin for many hours now and I am close to thinking this might be our hostel’s future! Since we will later depend on your channel manager, it will do a great part in recovering our place from the COVID-19 crisis.
I have some questions before I may hit the “buy” button”, please open the link which I posted. I am referring to the desktop view to start. I am not a real newbie but surely not a programmer, so please have a bit of patience.
1. If I open the calendar, the days are very narrow, this does not look too good How do I fix it?
2. The “search” button in misaligned, also the “Room 1” is too far below.
3. Am I able to show this “Room 1” only if more than one room is asked for in the search form? I find it confusing, considering most of our guests only book one room. I would still love to have the option.
4. The “short descriptions” in the results are centered. Why? I entered them aligned to the left. Is that standard?
5. During the booking process, we have no “options” available at our hostel. Can this step be skipped altogether?
6. On the last page, the form with the customer data is also messed up. It looks like the form labels are centered?
7. Inside the line “I agree to the terms and conditions”, can i put a link to our terns and conditions?
8. The button to send the coupon code is also misaligned.
9. How do I switch the “/” to “.” for the date formats? I am getting along with POEdit quite well already.
10. How am I supposed to create a widget on top of my home page? I see this was easier im JOOMLA, but how do I achieve this in WP?
11. For the characteristics: How do I put different icons not in your list?
12. On the “options” page, the “back” button is also centered.Once I am finised, I might contribute by giving you my de_DE file for your other clients…
Okay, if I get theses things fixed, we might be ready to purchase pro and also subscribe to the channel manager. I am ust afraid this minute because I could not figure out all my questions mentioned above.
Thank you so much for your product and your dearly esteemed help!
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
Hi Andrej,
Thanks for the precise questions. It looks like most of your questions are related to some CSS conflicts with your Theme, but they can all be fixed by adding custom CSS rules into the apposite CSS file for customization that Vik Booking makes available in the Configuration page, or by adding custom rules into your Theme. Also, maybe your Theme comes with some settings that can also help you reduce the number of custom CSS lines of code. For example, there’s a class-attribute that contains “align_center” in the main DIV that wraps the content, and this is centering many texts, including the short descriptions as per your question #4. We would suggest looking at the options/settings that your Theme has before adding custom CSS rules to adjust the layout. In this case, Vik Booking is not forcing any specific left or right alignment to the texts, in order to comply with your Theme, which could align the text to the left (common practice when in LTR languages), to the right (common with RTL languages), or to the center like in your case, which is not a common thing to force.We are going to try to help you with the questions below, then for such particular issues we would prefer if you could reach out to our team through our website. Please find our answers to your points below:
1. and 2. These are some CSS conflicts that can be fixed with a few lines of custom CSS. Please add the following CSS code in the CSS parameter of your Theme Customizer:
#ui-datepicker-div { width: 243px !important, } .vb-search-inner .vbo-search-submit { margin: 30px 0 10px 0px; } .vb-search-inner .vbo-search-roomnum { margin: 15px 10px 0 0; }
3. If you allow your guests to book more than one room per reservation (there’s a configuration setting in the Configuration page of Vik Booking or a parameter in the search form widget), then the label “Room 1” will always be displayed as it’s controlled by the apposite drop down menu to choose the number of rooms. However, since you mentioned that your property is a hostel, if you only have shared rooms then this configuration will require a bit more of attention. In fact, shared rooms of a hostel should treat the “units” as “number of beds”, and such room-types should accommodate at most one adult per room, as “one room” actually means “one bed” in case of shared rooms. Private rooms instead can use the “units” field to determine the actual number of rooms of the same type, and so how many times the same room can be booked on the same dates by different guests (just like a hotel room). We can discuss this topic better if you want, and maybe you can consider splitting the booking process into two separate sections, one for shared rooms, and another for private rooms. Even setting up two instances of the widget “search form” would work, as you could choose different parameters and force specific categories for the booking.
4. As said, by checking your CSS website code, we can see a theme class to align all the body contents to the center. If you can’t find a theme parameter to change the text alignment, you can add the following CSS in the “Custom CSS Override” parameter of the Global > Configuration > Views and Layout tab of Vik Booking.
.vbo-results-wrapper, .vbo-showprc-head-wrapper { text-align: left; }
5. Unfortunately this is not possible. That page is fundamental to prepare some variables necessary for the later steps of the booking process. Also, even if you don’t offer any sort of options/extra services like linen, sheets, breakfast or anything else of other kinds, you may still need that step of the booking process to allow the guests to pick their preferred rate plan (type of price). For example, that page could be useful to switch between a non-refundable rate plan or a flexible/standard rate.
6. Same as point 4, in case you can’t find the theme option you can add the following CSS code:
.vbcustomfields .vbo-oconfirm-cfield-label { text-align: left; }
7. Yes of course. Just get a link to a page of your WordPress website showing your actual Terms and Conditions, and by editing the custom field from the apposite page in the wp-admin section of Vik Booking, you will be able to paste the URL in the “popup link” field.
8. Also in this case there is a small conflict with your theme style, please, add the following CSS code to fix it:
.vbo-oconfirm-middlep .vbentercoupon input.vbsubmitcoupon { margin: 0 0 0 5px; }
9. There’s a configuration setting to define the “dates separator” character. You can find it in the first tab of the Configuration page. Most of our clients from Germany prefer to use the dot rather than the forward slash.
10. This actually depends on your Theme. In case it provides a specific toolbar that renders widgets on a position of the Theme that you like, you can use the page “Appearance – Widgets” of WordPress to add the widgets of Vik Booking onto the desired toolbars of your Theme. Alternatively, you can use any sort of page-builder plugin that lets you create and manage pages by adding widgets onto specific positions. All you should do in this case is to select the widgets of Vik Booking. Please notice that the home page of your website should only use Widgets. You are not supposed to use Shortcodes of Vik Booking onto the home page of your website, but of course the Shortcodes can be added to any other page except the home page. This is needed for the routing functions to work properly.
11. Characteristics allow you to use HTML code to render them. As you may have noticed, Vik Booking installs with some pre-installed icons taken from FontAwesome. You are free to add custom SVG icons there, or any other scalable/vectorial icon there.
12. Same for the point 4, in case you can’t find the theme option, you can add the following CSS code:
.room_buttons_box { text-align: left; }
Thanks for offering to share the German translation! The current German translation uploaded by our clients for Vik Booking on its official WordPress page is completed at 77%, while for Joomla this is completed at 89% due to the recent major updates released on May 2021. We can talk this later on if you will still be interested into our plugins.
Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions about our complementary Channel Manager service e4jConnect.
The VikWP Team
Dear e4jvikwp!
First of all: Your service ist not ?outstanding“, it’s ?never seen before“. Thank you very much, this is awesome.
I am sorry, but some things are still bad the more I look into them. I really depend on this component and I don’t know whats happening.
Allow me to come back to my questions?
1. I am afraid this CSS does not work. The CSS is used but the calendar looks worse.
2. I managed to fix the search button with your CSS, cool. When my viewport gets more narrow (tablet resoution), it is broken again. I am sorry I am not familiar with how to fix this.
3. Thank you for explaining the whole ?hostel thing“. I read that in the documentation, we only have two dorms, the rest are single and double rooms, so I believe I did the right thing so far.
4. I managed to turn off that centering by using a class called ?.column_attr.align_center“ – whatever that my be.
5. Okay, understood. We have really no options at all, also no variable rates, but okay, it’s not that much of a problem!
6. Cool, the form looks okay now.
7. Terms and conditions: Thank you, that worked! If possible, I would only want to have ?Terms and conditions“ underlined, not the entire line?
8. Coupon and PIN buttons are also alright now, thank you!
9. If I use the dots for the date format: How will this be changed in my English version back to ?/“?
10. I am afraid I am using the ?Muffin Builder“, which is really terrible but it came with the website and cannot be replaced easily. I have no option to insert a widget. Is there a code or a plugin or something else that would help me?
11. In case you have a sample code to insert a different FontAwesome icon?
12. The back button is also fixed with your code!
13. What image resolution is recommended for the images in the slider? I have only half of the navigation circle inside my image, the ?+“ is also partly covered. And I would like these images to be bigger altogether.
14. This is really weird: If I click the ?+“ on the top right corner of the room image, I am getting a popup which shows the entire booking page, not just the room! The price breakdown shows twice. This is really worrying me.
15. Also, the room image inside the popup image is very small and centered. In your demo ( this also happens when there is more than one image involved in a slider, please compare ?Large family tent“ and ?Hostel dorm“. This is a pity.If it is any consolation: Should we get this to work properly, I have a second client I would switch to Vik Booking also. It is a way younger website built with AVADA.
Thank you very, very much!
PS. May I download and use this 77% complete translation file? How does this work?
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
Thank you for your comment. I’m going to answer you point by point:
1. Could you please change the previous code with this?
#ui-datepicker-div { width: 520px !important; }
This should work correctly.
2. Checking your source code I could see this CSS code:
.vb-search-inner .vbo-search-submit { margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px; }
There is a small error, the code should be instead:
.vb-search-inner .vbo-search-submit { margin: 30px 0px 16px 0px; }
With this code we can see the button correctly aligned also by resizing the page. If you have more problems about it, please tell us which tablet are you using and the resolution so we can have a deeper look. If you contact us via email by using our website you could also attach some screenshots.
7. If I understood correctly you’d like to have the text underline, if yes, please add the following CSS lines:
.vbo-oconfirm-cfield-entry-checkbox a { text-decoration: underline; }
9. Unfortunately it is not possible. This a parameter in the Global Configuration that can’t change by country, I’m sorry.
10. If your theme or page builder doesn’t allow you to add widgets to the pages, you can use external plugins to create shortcodes from widgets, such as the “amr shortcode any widget”. You can download this plugin from the WordPress repository.
This plugin creates a shortcode to use on pages.11. Yes sure, you can see all the available icons on the official website here:
You should just copy and paste the HTML tag that you can find in the icon page detail, here an example:
You should copy the code <i class=”fas fa-bicycle”></i> that you find on the page, and paste the code in the characteristic field.12. In this case you should increase the “Thumbnail size” in the Global > Configuration > Views and Layout tab. We usually suggest using 550px.
Afterward, you should just reload all the secondary images of each room by using the “bulk action”.13. This is a weird problem indeed, I’d suggest contacting us by using our dedicated page
In this way, our technical team could give you some better information.14. Please, add the following CSS code to solve the problem:
.vik-dots-slider-inner { height: 404px; max-height: 404px; } .vik-dots-slider-slides { max-height: 404px; height: 100%; } .vik-dots-slider-inner .vik-dots-slider-slide img { max-height: 100%; }
Yes sure, you can use the 77% complete translation file, you should download the .po and .mo file and via FTP upload them in this directory:
/wp-content/plugins/NAME_OF_YOUR_PLUGIN/languages/We remain at your disposal for any further information,
Best Regards,
VikWP StaffHello again! Thank you so much für your thorough care!
I am truly sorry to trouble you with so many issues!
Here is my feedback:
1. The calendar looks fine now, finally! Great!
2. Search button also seems okay now in shortcode view. You can do anything…
7. Terms and conditions: I only wanted to underline the words ?Terms and conditions“ within the sentence ?I agree to the terms and conditions and have read them“…
10. I managed to enter the shortode and display the widget. Again, the search button was broken and the width is not correct. If I hit ?search“, nothing happens. This does not seem like a problem with the page builder, I think. I now display the widget on the ?working page“: Please check what is wrong, that would be great!
11. Fontawesome HTML: Also worked!
13. About the photos: What is the aspect ratio needed? I inserted images 550 x 366 and the scrolling arrows are still partly covered. I am having vertical white borders as if the image was not wide enough. If I am having more than four images, the dots in the slider do not correspond.
14. Okay, I will write an email to support about this issue, then.
15. You did not tell me yet if the slider can be in full width unside the popup window.
16. German: Translation: I am really sorry: WHERE do I download these language files? I can only find this, but no download link:
I have questions concerning your demo here:
17. How do I achieve – like you did in your demo – to only have words or numbers to be clicked? I am referring to these ?select date“ fields as well as ?rooms“, ?adults“ and ?children“.
18: This widget called Channel Rates: Can I have the same widget as a booking form without the different rates?Oh, my! This is really a lot of work and questions, I am sorry about that. Thanks for helping out!
Hello Andrej,
I’m glad some of the problems have been fixed. I’m going to reply here point by point:7. The Custom Fields accept <html> code in their title field. If you want to make underlined just part of the text you could add your own custom text in the title field and by wrapping the text in the HTML code <u></u> you could underline it.
Although you can customize the custom fields just with the PRO version.10. Please add the following CSS code:
.vbo-horizsearch-standardformat-wrap > form { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .vbmodhorsearchmaindiv form .vbmodhorsearchbookdiv .vbsearchinputmodhors { margin: 0 0 7px; }
Although, if we click on the “Book Now” button we can see the search result correctly, although in the bottom part of the page we could also see other contents. Please, check if you have correctly selected the “Page” parameter from the Vik Booking Search Form widget.
13. Please add the following CSS, in this way you will force a mandatory height for the slider images:
.vik-dots-slider-inner { height: 222px !important; }
15. I’m sorry, I wrong the number in my previous ticket, the point 14 was indeed the 15.
Although you can change the code like this:.vbdetroom .vik-dots-slider-inner { height: 370px !important; max-height: 550px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .vbdetroom .vik-dots-slider-slides { max-height: 550px; height: 100%; } .vbdetroom .vik-dots-slider-inner .vik-dots-slider-slide img { max-height: 100%; }
This should solve the problem of the full width in the popup window. Maybe in your case you can test the sizes by changing the thumbnail size maybe to 600px. Please, remember that you need to upload again the images by using the Bulk Upload.
17. I’m sorry I thought you were referring to our Translation page. Here you can find the German language files: The one on our demo website is the “Human Readable” layout. From the Vik Booking Search Form parameter you can see the “Date Layout” parameter.
19. Yes, you can also choose to display the search form without the channels comparison. Although there is the “Our best rate” part still visible, this can be hidden with a few lines of CSS.
Best Regards,
VikWP StaffDear Viks!
Thanks again for your efforts! Looks like we became colleagues already. I am still having problems, though.
7. Termin and conditions: I believe I got your point. Look: I just want to LINK the termins and conditions in the words ?terms and conditions“, so this is not about ?underlining“ at all. But I still see your point. Would I not edit this text in the translation like: ?I agree to the Terms and conditions.“?
10. Please see my site again. Now, ?Check-in“ and ?check-out date“ are misaligned, in tablet view it is also not looking good. Still, the width of the form is too narrow. Inside the widget (Appearance/Widgets) I can only choose ?–“ from the dropdown for ?page“. What parameter am I supposed to set? If I want to change that widget into ?human readable“, I cannot save it because I am supposed to choose someting under ?page“ – but I cannot. Bummer.
13. All right, that worked!
15. I will upload larger images for the popup slider and tell you how it went!
17. Awesome, I managed to download and install the translation. To a German, some things sound like Google translate, for example ?Rooms“ is translated as ?spaces“. But this is a great base to work with. Thank you!
18. I cannot change to ?human readable“, see 10.
19. How eactly do I display the ?Channel Rates“ widget and what CSS do I need? Am I Able to display that with
20. How do I change the green color when ?select“ is clicked? This concerns the (animated) button and the green border appearing.
21. Since I took away the shortcode from the page and left only the widget, the ?search“ function does not work any more, insted, the entire page is reloading. This is becoming scary to me, not being a programmer.
I hope we can get this all fixed soon! We are looking forward to ?go pro“. Thank you for everything!Andrej
Hello Andrej,
Here my answers to your points:7. Ok now it is more clear thank you. You can customize the text as you prefer but you can not link just one part of it, I’m sorry. So if you’d like to have just the “Terms and Conditions”, you could just modify the Title of the Custom field.
10. That’s strange, we can see everything correctly also on tablet. We can just see the check-in/out that are slightly misaligned. You can fix it by adding this code:
.vbmodhorsearchtotnights { margin-bottom: 10px; } .vbmodhorsearchcheckindiv, .vbmodhorsearchcheckoutdiv { margin-bottom: 7px; }
If you want to increase the sizes of the element you can add the following CSS code:
.vbmodhorsearchrac .horsanumsel select, .vbmodhorsearchrac .horscnumsel select, .vbhsrnselsp select, .vbhsrcselsp select, .vbmodhorsearchroomdentr .horsanumdiv select, .vbmodhorsearchroomdentr .horscnumdiv select, .vbmodhorsearchmaindiv .input-group input { height: 42px !important; } .vbmodhorsearchmaindiv .input-group i { height: 42px !important; line-height: 42px !important; } .vbmodhorsearchroomdentrfirst .horsrnum { margin-top: 40px; } .vbmodhorsearchmaindiv form .vbmodhorsearchbookdiv .vbsearchinputmodhors { padding: 10px 50px !important; }
Moreover, if you don’t see anything in the “Page” dropdown parameter, it means that you are missing some important plugin configuration step: you have configured correctly those shortcodes and pages, you will be able to see those pages in the widget parameter.
19. The Channel Rates widget is just in the PRO version I’m sorry.
20. You should modify the following CSS classes:.vbo-searchresults-classic-wrap .room_item.room_selected { border-color: #52aa20; } .room_selected .vbselectr-result { background: #67a667; border: 1px solid #67a667; }
20. Please, complete the first configuration as suggested in the point 10 and select the “Page” parameter. Everything should work correctly.
We remain at your disposal for any further information,
Best Regards,
VikWP Staff -
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
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