Thanks for inquiring about the Website Toolbox WordPress Forum Plugin.
1. Thank you for reporting this issue. We have updated the plugin to fix the issue. Please uninstall the plugin completely and then reinstall it again. If you downloaded the plugin previously, please download the plugin again from https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/website-toolbox-forums/
The update related message should go away once you replace the plugin with the new plugin. I apologize for the inconvenience.
2. It seems like you may not have updated the appropriate settings in your Website Toolbox account. Please login to your Website Toolbox account by visiting https://www.websitetoolbox.com. Once you have logged in, click Settings, and then click Single Sign On.
On the Single Sign On page, specify the address of your website’s Login page to ensure that all forum logins occur using your website’s login form. Do the same for the Logout Page and Registration Page as well.
3. Our chat room is built on Java and requires the Java plugin. You can download Java here: https://www.java.com/en/download/
We are working to create a new chat room system that will not require the java plugin.
4. The forum is hosted on our servers. This way, you can focus on running a successful forum rather than IT. Please read this support article for more information: https://www.websitetoolbox.com/support/5
Feel free to contact our customer support team 17 hours per day via phone, chat, or email if you have any other questions or concerns! Here’s the link: https://www.websitetoolbox.com/cgi/tools/hr.cgi
You can learn more about our forum hosting service here: