Some small improvements
Hello. I want to suggest some improvements to your plugin.
May be you solve than it usefull.
1. Сapability to add own class attribute. Often attribute class used for popups not only rel attribute.
2. load_plugin_textdomain executed after include_once ‘owl_settings.php’, therefore translation do not work in owl_settings.phpit is patch
36d35 < load_plugin_textdomain('wp_owl', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' ); 55a55 > load_plugin_textdomain('wp_owl', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' ); 135,142d134 < 'name' => __('Class attribute','wp_owl'), < 'desc' => __('Used to open images in a popups that use class attribute','wp_owl'), < 'default' => '', < 'type' => 'text', < 'id' => self::prefix .'cls' < )); < < $carousel_metabox->add_field(array( 199d190 < $cls = get_post_meta($id,self::prefix.'cls',true); 209d199 < $html .= (!empty($cls)) ? ' class="'.$cls.'"' : '';
thank you for plugin
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